Rome's War on Free Speech archives

  1. ARTICLE STACK 12-28-22 Christian groups banned by Amazon Smile due to targeting by the Southern Poverty Law Center * Leftists insist that Bible's morality actually is 'hate' speech * VIDEO: Twitter Files expose government influence on suppressing COVID messages that contradicted WH * VIDEO: Rachel Levine ripped for demanding censorship of 'misinformation' on 'gender-affirming care' for kids * VIDEO: Doctors slam COVID government censorship exposed in 'Twitter Files': 'On the road to totalitarianism' * Parents slam effort to ban 'hate speech' from school-board meetings * Poll: Vast Majority Say Congress Should Investigate FBI Involvement in Social Media Censorship (Will it happen?) * VIDEO: FNC Contributor, JHU Prof Dr. Makary: Twitter Files Show ‘State-Controlled Media’ by Government That Spread Misinformation on COVID * Biden admin enraged MORE Americans weren't censored over COVID * 'Soviet Moscow': U.S. city wars with Christians since COVID lockdown * Stanford U. Publishes List of Words Deemed ‘Harmful Language’ like ‘American,’ ‘Fireman
  2. ARTICLE STACK 12-21-22 Twitter Files: FBI Kept Busy Censoring Conservatives Instead of Chasing Crooks * VIDEO: When did Stanford become the language police? * Formula 1 Drivers Banned from Making ‘Political Statements’ Without Permission * ‘Disastrous effect’: Landmark Supreme case could muzzle internet, experts say
  3. ARTICLE STACK 12-14-22 VIDEO: Elon Musk's second installment of 'Twitter Files' reveals 'secret blacklists,' Bari Weiss reports * VIDEO: Project Veritas Exposed Shadowbanning Long Before Elon Musk Released #TwitterFiles * VIDEO: Cyber expert tells Tucker this is the 'great danger' in Twitter's shadow banning * VIDEO: This power is what czars and Caesars dreamed of * VIDEO: Twitter Files part 4 drop showing executives' approach to 'change of policy for Trump alone' * VIDEO: YouTube" Stated in writing no Free Speech for Christians! * VIDEO: 'Twitter Files' part 5 reveals aftermath of unprecedented Trump ban * VIDEO: Left-wing media torched for silence on Twitter files * VIDEO: The Bidens know what's coming and they're desperate to stop it * BitChute;s Bank froze their account! * VIDEO: There is no ‘horseshoes and hand grenades’ exception in the First Amendment and latest SCOTUS case proves it * Christian teacher fired for refusing to use preferred pronouns sues school * Head of Twitter’s Censorship Team Shadowbanning Conservatives Worked for Both FBI and CIA * The idea that speech is ‘disinformation’ and that no society can survive free speech has been widely accepted * VIDEO: Norwegian filmmaker faces up to 3 years in prison for saying men cannot be lesbians * Free Speech Failure Jack Dorsey Responds to the Twitter Files * Poll: Most Support Republicans in Congress Investigating Censorship by Social Media Companies * Huge number of colleges violate free speech with their policies, watchdog confirms * VIDEO: WATCH: Sheriff under the gun for cuffing, strip-searching citizen reporter * FBI-directed Big Tech censorship could 'legally' violate 1st Amendment * Musk hints he has messages from Fauci team urging Twitter to censor foes
  4. ARTICLE STACK 12-07-22 CDC used this secret backchannel with Twitter to control the COVID narrative * Supremes hear arguments on state's demand to control Christians' speech * VIDEO: Kirk Cameron is denied story-hour slot by public libraries for his new faith-based kids book * Thought Police alarm: U.S. urges you to confront friends' 'misinformation' (Now that the government has no Twitter power) * VIDEO: Mainstream media didn't want anyone to know what happened at Twitter: Ainsley Earhardt * VIDEO: White House downplaying bombshell Twitter censorship revelation * Facebook ‘Supreme Court’ Demands More Censorship of Politicians, VIPs * FBI 'meetings' led to Twitter's censorship of Hunter laptop story * House Republicans assembling bill to ban TikTok across federal government * Biden’s DHS Signals It Wants to Criminalize Political Dissent * France’s Macron warns Elon Musk that Twitter must comply with EU speech restrictions * Zero GOP professors in nearly 3 dozen university departments across multiple schools, survey shows  
  5. ARTICLE STACK 11-30-22 VIDEO: Cotton: Apple Needs to Stop Helping CCP Keep Chinese Protestors from Communicating * VIDEO: Twitter erupts after Elon Musk mocks CNN with satirical chyron about threats to free speech * VIDEO: Ex-Twitter safety chief admits Hunter Biden laptop censorship was a ‘mistake’ * ZERO Republican professors across 33 departments at 7 universities * Elon Musk teases Twitter files on free speech suppression: 'Public deserves to know' * VIDEO: This Is CNN: Ex-CIA Wonk Explains the Dangers of Free Speech * Twitter takes action on its COVID 'misleading information' policy * Trudeau cabinet discussed ‘crushing Freedom Convoy with tanks’ * London’s Sadiq Khan: ‘We desperately need new regulation of social media and online speech’ * Islamic Republic of Pakistan: 200 Christians left homeless after authorities bulldoze their homes without warning * Nigeria: Muslims raid community, murder two people, ‘People are moving out of the community as a result of fear’ * VIDEO: Former CIA analyst on CNN: ‘This freedom of speech is just nonsense’ * Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Words Can Do That, Too, Says Sheila Jackson Lee
  6. ARTICLE STACK 11-23-22 VIDEO: Reporter who tangled with Lori Lightfoot sues after press pass was revoked: 'First Amendment on life support'
  7. ARTICLE STACK 11-16-22 Due to YouTube (aka Google) deleting my videos - I am posting all my "controversial" videos on my BitChute Channel (please subscribe) * Jail time and a fine for saying "God created Adam and Eve" * Father banned from kids' school after speaking up at school-board meeting
  8. ARTICLE STACK 11-09-22 VIDEO: WATCH: Dr. Peter McCullough faces loss of medical credentials for 'misinformation' * Soros-backed group demands IRS use Johnson Amendment against churches * Major U.S. city coughs up $2 million for trying to kill Christian flag * Iran Warns Saudi Arabia to Stop Reporting on Protests
  9. ARTICLE STACK 11-02-22 VIDEO: Left-wing activists harass conservative reading Bible, steal book and rip it up, protester eats pages * VIDEO: Republican candidate horrified after college researchers warn her Twitter being monitored for 'toxic language' * VIDEO: Berkeley law school fails at education, let’s free-speech opponents embrace leftist anti-Semitism * Cosmic storm may trigger ‘internet apocalypse’ within next decade, tree ring study reveals (IOW - They plan to use this excuse to close Christian websites) * Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry: Divest from BlackRock Before It Divests You * VIDEO: Conservative accounts gain thousands of new followers just before Musk's Twitter takeover (@00:28 - they still plan to "moderate" Twitter) * Senator Dick Durbin dragged for claiming free speech 'does not include spreading misinformation': 'It literally does' * VIDEO: FNC’s Carlson: Democrats ‘Need’ Censorship to Hold on to Power * DHS fulfilling its promise to continue policing 'disinformation' * Dems using Pelosi for CENSORSHIP * FBI agent who pushed censorship of Hunter laptop scandal now advising on 'misinformation' * Credentialism, Crisis and Censorship: How the Left Eliminated Debate
  10. ARTICLE STACK 10-26-22 Lawsuit: 67 federal agencies pushing Big Tech to censor Americans * FBI, Biden officials worked with Big Tech to censor true and accurate material, calling it ‘disinformation’ * Adams staffer fired after criticizing migrant response, cops who lost jobs over vaccine mandates: report * VIDEO: Pro-life coffee shop owner hospitalized for stress after onslaught of 'lies' from 'social media bullies' * VIDEO: Rubio canvasser attacked in Florida; 1 arrested * Rubio canvasser attack: 2nd suspect arrested, police say he confronted victim for being Republican * VIDEO: Virginia coffee shop forced to close doors after owner voices pro-life views * Student shares how she got COVID-vax exemption, gets booted * VIDEO: 'Government is not allowed to do indirectly what it is prohibited from doing directly' * Republicans 'aren't allowed': GOP campaign worker viciously beaten * Has Google been acting as an arm of the Democratic Party? * Cities tap $222 million in federal COVID-19 relief for 'guaranteed income' programs
  11. ARTICLE STACK 10-19-22 Christians Who ‘Audibly Pray’, ‘Recite Scripture’, or ‘Cross Themselves’ in Abortion ‘Safe Zone’ Face Prison (BTW - Obedient Christians don't "cross themselves." Why? See this short video) * VIDEO: Washington Post article claims climate change fuels 'hate speech' through hotter temperatures * VIDEO: Christian childcare teacher who refused to read LGBT books to kids sues after being fired: 'Blatantly illegal' * VIDEO: Gen Z defends cancel culture as ‘positive thing’ on Dr. Phil ‘Zoomers vs Boomers’ debate * VIDEO: Chicago college shuts down anti-Marxism display, threatens conservative students with disciplinary action * VIDEO: US citizen given 16-year prison sentence in Saudi Arabia over tweets after State Dept. bungles case
  12. ARTICLE STACK 10-12-22  VIDEO: They want everyone censored  VIDEO: Federal judges boycott Yale law clerks over 'cancel culture,' free speech issues * Roman Catholic Biden DOJ indicts 11 pro-life activists for protesting outside abortion clinic * University of Southern Maine students demand professor is replaced for saying only two sexes exist: report * VIDEO: YouTube repeatedly censors me for truth - yet they promote this garbage freely? * VIDEO: Florida surgeon general blocked from sharing COVID vaccine study on Twitter: 'An enormous deal' * Death threats for opposing tax funding of drag queens VIDEO: FBI probing 'hate speech' attack on school that banned girls from their own locker room * Man fired for voicing Christian and conservative beliefs now fires back * 'She is devastated': Christian woman sues after getting 'fired for her faith' * Russia: Man imprisoned for Facebook post against Ukraine war
  13. ARTICLE STACK 10-05-22 VIDEO: RNC says Google (Twitter & Facebook) suppressed more than 22M GOTV, fundraising emails in September, exploring 'legal options' * VIDEO: Cornell professor warns universities are eliminating meaning of 'objective truth' from classrooms with CRT * VIDEO: Supreme Court on Tuesday to hear debate on free speech for websites * VIDEO: Bobulinski: I Would Have Verified Hunter Laptop Story ‘Within Five Minutes’ if Anyone from Facebook, Twitter Reached Out * AMA wants Garland to prosecute critics of surgically mutilating children! * Global warming agenda promoters demand Big Tech ban 'climate disinformation' (They want to hide all the truth out there) * The Berkeley ‘No Free Speech for Jews’ Movement * Federal government targeted dissenting news organizations, got them censored on social media * RNC Says Google Spiked Over 22 MILLION of Its Emails in September Alone
  14. ARTICLE STACK 09-22-22 VIDEO: Google Silences Women: YouTube Removes Giorgia Meloni’s Viral 2019 Speech * New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern at the U.N.: ‘Disinformation’ Should Be Controlled Like Guns, Bombs, and Nukes * VIDEO: Columbia students react to their college being ranked worst for free speech on campus * 'The first undercover journalists to be criminally prosecuted' in state history * Schools get millions of tax dollars despite killing free speech, GOP demands answers * U.S. Postal Service caught tracking mail of 2nd Amendment advocates * 83-year-old shot in the back while handing out pro-life pamphlets * New York Times: We Should Criminalize Speech Like Germany * Australia: Islamic group demands Twitter institute procedure to remove ‘Islamophobic’ content automatically
  15. ARTICLE STACK 09-21-22 VIDEO: The First Amendment is important - and they're trying to take it away from us * VIDEO: U. of New Mexico ‘Disappointed’ in Woke (aka Brainwashed) Students Who Attacked TPUSA Event Featuring Tomi Lahren
  16. ARTICLE STACK 09-14-22 VIDEO: Ted Cruz: Here's How Biden Colluded With Twitter To Silence Free Speech * VIDEO: Biden administration forced to turn over Big Tech emails in collusion lawsuit
  17. ARTICLE STACK 09-08-22 JCPA Defenders Say Media Cartel Bill Will Help Suppress ‘Misinformation’ * Lawsuit uncovers army of feds censoring speech in America * JCPA Allows Big Media and Big Tech to Collude on Censorship * Glenn Geeenwald Slams Corrupt, Pro-Censorship Corporate News Industry
  18. ARTICLE STACK 08-31-22 VIDEO: We take free speech seriously (Again - PROOF Facebook is a STATE AGENCY!) * YouTube REVERSES policy banning critics of masks and vaccines, after YEARS of silencing the truth (Due to loosing subs to alternative FREE SPEECH platforms) * House Republicans say Facebook censored post about Biden student loan handout plan * VIDEO: Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan FBI warned Facebook of 'Russian propaganda' before Hunter Biden laptop story * Google falsely warns readers: WND 'may harm your computer!' (They did this to me too) * Trump's Truth Social blocked from Google Play app store * FBI admits it routinely asks social media to suppress 'threats'


    VIDEO: Douglas Murray: This is a ‘horrific’ statistic 

  20. ARTICLE STACK 08-17-22 PROOF: Google does not want anyone to find out how deadly the vaccines are * VIDEO: House Dem blasts Lauren Boebert's 'totally fabricated' rant about IRS after she gets her mic cut * ‘Near-Perfect Detection:’ World Economic Forum Pushes AI Censorship of Online Speech * 'Rushdie insulted Islam': Justifying attack, Iran faults author for his own stabbing * Google's all-out attack on WND * Report: In 3 weeks, states can destroy evidence of 2020 election * PA school district proposal would ban students from sharing ANY non-school messages * Cathy Young and The Bulwark suddenly discover that there is a jihad threat to the freedom of speech
  21. ARTICLE STACK 08-04-22 VIDEO: Facebook censors top economist for defining recession * VIDEO: Universities embrace academia's woke insanity to crush free speech
  22. ARTICLE STACK 07-19-22  VIDEO: Soros takeover: Nelson Rubio exits Radio Mambi before ‘extreme left’ group purchases conservative station * University of Washington professor sues school, alleging free-speech violation * VIDEO: Pope Francis: “Disinfomation is the order of the day” (A Jesuit tactic - reverse psychology works en masse too) * VIDEO: Proof BIG BANG proven false CENSORED
  23. ARTICLE STACK 07-01-22  VIDEO: Man behind infamous NSBA letter says organization's leaders 'completely backstabbed' him * VIDEO: This is more Kamala Harris hypocrisy * VIDEO: Truth Social supports Musk’s Twitter acquisition: Nunes
  24. ARTICLE STACK 06-01-22  VIDEO: Rand Paul: This is the danger of a one-world government * World Economic Forum ‘Press Freedom’ Panel Calls for Algorithmic Suppression of Hate Speech, Rumours * VIDEO: WEF leader: Globalists need more power to counter growing COVID skepticism * Google suspends conservative children's book publisher's ad account after Trump-Russia collusion book * VIDEO: Supreme Court temporarily blocks Texas social media law barring content moderation * Connecticut Looking to Hire a $150,000 ‘Misinformation Sheriff’ Ahead of the Midterms * Great Reset: European NGO Pushes Public to Use China-Style App to Report ‘Digital Violence’ and Hate Speech (aka Thought Police) * State hiring 'misinformation' specialist to police the internet * Classmates mob 18-year-old 'heretic' who challenged pro-trans ideology * School goes ballistic on Christian gal for her beliefs, now faces the music * Biden Meeting with New Zealand PM Will Push Censorship of Americans 
  25. ARTICLE STACK 05-25-22 VIDEO: LEGAL UPDATE: Attorney Excoriates DOJ Over Leaked FBI Document Categorizing Veritas as News Media * Princeton moves to fire tenured professor who criticized school's woke politics: report * VIDEO: Twitter mess! * China: Tencent Kingpin Pony Ma Shares Censored Anti-Lockdown Rant * 'Woke' companies involved in explosion of attacks on free speech * The ‘Mary Poppins of Disinformation’ Inadvertently Spills the Truth About What the Board Was Going to Do * Nigeria: Muslims set houses and shops on fire over claims of blasphemous message on social media
  26. ARTICLE STACK 05-18-22 Biden working to restore 'guilty until proven innocent' sex-assault standard * VIDEO: Twitter allows White House to make ‘clearly false’ claim that COVID vaccine wasn’t available until Biden era * VIDEO: Missouri, Louisiana AGs file lawsuit against Biden and top admin officials * VIDEO: Censorship. Shadowbanning. Communism. Political Bias. Exposing Twitter like never before * VIDEO: Twitter Senior Engineer Admits in Undercover Video That “Twitter Does Not Believe in Free Speech” * VIDEO: NY Gov. Hochul: We Need National Laws to Deal with Guns, Social Media * This Grandma Was Arrested for Praying Silently While Walking Outside: 'Chilling Effect on Freedom' * Jordan Peterson Quits Twitter, Says Platform’s Design ‘Dangerously Insane’ After Torrent of Woke Vitriol * Big-city Dem mayor forced to drop astonishingly racist policy * VIDEO: Republican senator apologizes after affirming 'fundamental scientific truth' of biological sex * Pastor criticizes LGBT promotion, church gets evicted from property * VIDEO: Former Fox News face: Maybe take names, jail people for 'misinformation' * VIDEO: Twitter executive: We don't believe in giving people 'free speech' * Senate abruptly cancels ‘disinformation’ hearing after Disinfo Board chief’s song to censorship surfaces (Their next pick will be stealthy)
  27. ARTICLE STACK 05-11-22 20 Republican-led states threaten legal action against DHS, urge disbanding of 'un-American' disinfo board * VIDEO: 'You've Got No Idea What Disinformation Is!': Rand Paul Tears Into Mayorkas * VIDEO: Twitter Executives Were Caught in a PV Sting & Ran When Asked For Comment. Full Investigation May 16 * VIDEO: James O'Keefe's Opening Statement on DOJ&FBI Overreach on Press to Members of Congress * VIDEO: O'Keefe Answers Questions From Congressional Members Regarding DOJ & FBI Attacks on Press Freedom * VIDEO: Rep. Lauren Boebert’s ‘Free Speech’ Rant Is Immediately Dismantled On The House Floor * VIDEO: Liberal media blasts Elon Musk's fight for free speech * Biden's disinformation czar endorsed government censorship of speech * FDA Commissioner Claims ‘Misinformation’ Is Now America’s Leading Cause Of Death
  28. ARTICLE STACK 05-04-22 Critics slam timing of Biden's 'ministry of truth' to police internet for 'disinformation' in 'minority communities' (They want to make sure all the illegals vote left) * VIDEO: Nina Jankowicz touted her own House testimony suggesting Hunter Biden laptop had 'illicit provenance' * Biden admin's controversial 'disinformation' board is causing alarm — and not just for Republicans * VIDEO: Disney employee: The magic is gone * VIDEO: Twitter is just the 'tip of the iceberg': Biotech entrepreneur * Report: More than half of colleges want students to snitch * Jonathan Turley: Democrats' 'final line of defense' is 'outright state censorship' * VIDEO: ‘Crazy’ that Trump was Banned on Twitter But Taliban Remained as It Seized Kabul: Farage * Christian college ends support of Christian ministry after complaint from 'humanists' * VIDEO: Carlson: ‘This Is the Point Where We’re Just Going to Have to Draw the Line — No, Joe Biden, You Can’t Have a Federally Funded Ministry of Truth’ * Biden’s ‘Minister of Truth’ Nina Jankowicz Called for Facebook to Censor Breitbart * VIDEO: Emily Compagno hits back after 'View' host claims Elon Musk wants free speech for 'straight, White men' * India Bullied Facebook into Censoring 27 Million Posts in One Month * Elon Musk Summoned by UK Parliament over Twitter Free Speech Promises * Euro MP warns ‘EU does not want free speech’ after Elon Musk Twitter takeover * Facebook and the “Free Speech” Excuse * Facebook puts the final nail in Mark Zuckerberg’s free speech master plan * Facebook Restricts Speech by Popular Demand
  29. ARTICLE STACK 04-27-22  VIDEO: Parent speaks after Sarasota School Board tosses her for what she was 'about to say' * EU Agrees Online Censorship Laws Forcing Big Tech ‘Hate Speech’ Clampdown * VIDEO: Big Tech censored Biden criticism more than 600 times over 2 years: report * VIDEO: You just became a little more powerful * VIDEO: Twitter: 'They fear a level playing field' * UK Demands Elon Musk Keeps Twitter ‘Responsible’ by Censoring Content * Brazil: Conservatives Prepare Pro-Free Speech Marches on Marxist May Day Holiday * VIDEO: Cruz: Elon Musk Buying Twitter the ‘Most Important Development for Free Speech in Decades’ * Obama calls for even MORE censorship! * 'Doesn't pass the smell test': Twitter offers cagey explanation for mysterious conservative surge * Questions about Twitter censorship remain as Musk acquires company * CNBC uses slander to try to get Musk to cave on free speech * WOW!: Google Introduces Prompts to Make Sure You Write Like a Leftist * Ilhan Omar Finds a New Way to Attack Freedom of Speech * Obama spoke at disinformation conference alongside peddlers of disinformation * VIDEO: Nolte: Washington Post Seeks to Blacklist Libs of Tik Tok with Wildly Dishonest Story
  30. ARTICLE STACK 04-13-22 Barack Obama Backs Internet Controls to Grapple with the ‘Demand for Crazy’ * VIDEO: U. of Buffalo Student ‘Hunted Down’ by Woke Mob for Hosting Allen West Speech
  31. ARTICLE STACK 04-06-22 VIDEO: This is a 'litmus test' for free speech values * VIDEO: Rand Paul welcomes Elon Musk driving away Twitter's left-wing 'crazies' * Twitter User Sentenced to 150 Hours Community Service for ‘Offensive’ Post * YouTube Removes Trump Interview for Violating ‘Elections Misinformation’ Policy
  32. ARTICLE STACK 03-30-22 VIDEO: #DOJSpied taking the media by storm * VIDEO: Tucker: America is eliminating freedom here at home (DuckDuckGo is now CENSORING)
  33. ARTICLE STACK 03-23-22 U.S. Army surgeon in tears: Top brass ordered silence on vaccine injuries * Google now censoring 'facts' on 2024 presidential election * Thought Police: Germany Conducts Mass Raids over Online ‘Insults’ Against Politicians * Media Research Center: NewsGuard Gives Perfect Ratings to Outlets that Spread False Claims About Biden Laptop (Yet those with facts are censored)
  34. ARTICLE STACK 03-16-22 VIDEO: FBI Raid on PV Journalist Shows Armed Agents Clutching Weapons & Ransacking Home at Biden DOJ Order * Zuck’s War: Facebook Says You Can Call for Death of Russians, but Not Putin * Russian model who trashed Putin on social media found dead in suitcase * Preprint server accused of censorship for removing 'inflammatory' scientific papers * Ireland opts in to European Union measures to prohibit ‘hate speech
  35. ARTICLE STACK 03-09-22 University orders Christian student not to talk to students who disagree with her
  36. ARTICLE STACK 03-02-22 Revealed: State law's intent is to end statements of Christian faith * Censorship is Now the Norm – Free Speech is Officially Gone * Free Speech Is Gone In America * ACLU, ALA, PEN Fight ‘Censorship’ in Schools, That Is, Parents Resisting Leftist Indoctrination * Free Speech: And… It’s Gone
  37. ARTICLE STACK 02-21-22 VIDEO: ESPN Talent Discuss Toxic Workplace in Explosive Undercover Footage: ‘Just Blatantly Racist ... * VIDEO: "GoFundMe has gone ‘woke and broke’ over convoy fund * VIDEO: I was ‘barred’ from publishing anything on Fauci: Former Forbes contributor * VIDEO: "The power of what he has is - this is coming directly from the gentleman's lips." -Dr. Malone * VIDEO: Truckers react to Trudeau invoking Emergencies Act: 'Gained more freedom fighters' * VIDEO: Canada truck protesters call to defy order * Google Speech Code: YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Calls on Governments to Censor the Internet * VIDEO: Canadian Parliament DIDN'T LIKE THIS QUESTION! * VIDEO: Google pulls ads on meteorologist tracking climate for ‘unreliable and harmful claims'
  38. ARTICLE STACK 02-02-22 VIDEO: Joe Rogan hits back after claims of spreading 'misinformation' * Survey: 74 Percent of Americans Believe Cancel Culture Can Lead to Self-Harm * Survey: Majority of Americans View Cancel Culture as ‘Threat to Democracy, Freedom’ * VIDEO: Jordan: ‘Scary Stuff’ What the Biden Administration Has Done with First Amendment Rights, Second Amendment Liberties * Amazon Whistleblower Demands Apology After China Jails and Tortures Him * Free speech advocates, journalists defend Joe Rogan from calls for censorship
  39. ARTICLE STACK 01-26-22 Pastor attacked for expressing that Christians don't attend pride events
  40. ARTICLE STACK 01-19-22 VIDEO: Tucker: This is worse than we thought * ‘Human Rights Watch’ Seminar Advises Olympic Athletes to Stay Silent in China * Top scientists warn of danger in censoring 'misinformation' * VIDEO: YouTube says Bible is "hate speech"
  41. ARTICLE STACK 01-12-22 5 Years in Jail for using Bible to help Homosexuals * University hammered for rejection of student free-speech club
  42. ARTICLE STACK 01-05-22 Hayward: China Defends Twitter for Proving U.S. Has ‘No Freedom of Speech’ with Marjorie Taylor Greene Ban * J.D. Vance on Big Tech: There Are Things on Twitter I Don’t Talk About Because I Know They Will Silence Me * Good news! The 'fact-checking' prostitutes' censorship doesn't work * Major news agency's reporting blasted as 'dangerous'  
  43. ARTICLE STACK 12-29-21 Tumblr Escalates Censorship to Placate Apple * Facebook, Instagram reportedly ban quote by U.S. patriot Thomas Paine * Twitter banishes Dr. Robert Malone * China shuts pro-democracy news outlet, claims 'we are not targeting the media'
  44. ARTICLE STACK 12-22-21 Liberals on school board ramp up efforts to censure conservatives
  45. ARTICLE STACK 12-15-21 China Fines Weibo Social Media Outlet Half a Million Dollars for Not Censoring Enough * Free-speech battles rage years after decision on Christian baker * European Union moves to clamp down on ‘hate speech
  46. ARTICLE STACK 12-08-21 VIDEO: U.N. Taking Down Private Websites - Domain Level Censorship * Christianity on Trial in Finland as Bible Deemed “Hate Speech” * VIDEO: Woman Arrested for BIBLE VERSE Tweet * VIDEO: Texas dads arrested after getting vocal at school board meetings say superintendent aims to 'silence' them * Letter attacking parents as terrorists proves costly for school-boards group
  47. ARTICLE STACK 12-01-21  VIDEO: Behar: First, Second Amendments Need to Be ‘Tweaked’ — Founding Fathers Didn’t Have Weapons of War or Twitter * Rep. Gallagher: ‘Quasi-Religious Cult Leader’ Fauci Shouts ‘Science’ to ‘Silence Dissent’ * GOP warns: 'Radical' new Twitter chief aims to censor Americans * Google uses false statement to censor pro-life ads * TikTok suspends account of critic of Islam who has been inundated with death threats: she criticized Islam * The ‘Islamophobia’ Industry’s Attempt to Shut Down All Criticism of Islam
  48. ARTICLE STACK 11-24-21 VIDEO: 'This Is Now Becoming A Pattern': Jordan Slams YouTube Covid-19 'Censorship' * Facebook workers demanded attacks on whites and men be excluded from hate-speech policy * Government kills ALL public voices to avoid hearing one explosive issue
  49. ARTICLE STACK 11-17-21  California Supreme Court to Decide if Pronoun Misuse Can Lead to Jail Time
  50. ARTICLE STACK 11-10-21  VIDEO: FBI and Southern District of New York Raid Project Veritas Journalists’ Homes * VIDEO: LEGAL ANALYST GREG JARRETT: “What the SDNY & DOJ has done to James O’Keefe…outrageous & lawless” * Darrell Issa Reacts to YouTube Deleting Video that Called U.S. Vaccines Superior to Russia’s * Facebook to Prevent Ad Targeting to ‘Sensitive’ Groups Like Race, Religion * Twitter Censors Dave Portnoy After He Calls Out Business Insider over Hit Piece * 'We expect significant resistance': New university to fight censorship, fear
  51. ARTICLE STACK 11-03-21  Google de-monetizes pioneering Christian news site WND * NBC News treating 'Let's Go Brandon' as danger to Biden's life, contacts Secret Service * Online trolls could be jailed for 2 years under proposed law
  52. ARTICLE STACK 10-27-21  History Will Not Judge Us Kindly:’ Facebook Employees Attack Zuckerberg for Not Suppressing Conservatives Enough * Japan Approves Plan to Punish Online Insults with Prison Time * Establishment Media Shut Down Secret Chat Room Coordinating Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Document Releases After Breitbart News Inquiries * Marsha Blackburn Blasts Silicon Valley Leftists for Censoring Breitbart, ‘Squashing Dissent’ * Sen. Bill Hagerty: End Facebook’s Censorship of Breitbart News by Regulating Them like Phone Companies * VIDEO: Minnesota surgeon loses his job after telling school board to let parents make decisions about masking kids * 'Professionals such as myself are being silenced'
  53. ARTICLE STACK 10-20-21   VIDEO: 77 Million Video Views Deleted From My Channel * China’s Apple Store Deletes All Bible Apps * VIDEO: Ex-N.Y. Times editor to CNN: Your censorship is causing the world to go mad * Canada bans public employees from using 'Let's go Brandon'
  54. ARTICLE STACK 10-13-21   VIDEO: Tucker astounded by reason conservative satire site was fact-checked * VIDEO: Tulsi Gabbard issues warning about elites to Americans * VIDEO: Tulsi Gabbard issues warning about elites to Americans * Learning to Fear Free Speech: How Politicians Are Moving to Protect Us from Our Unhealthy Reading Choices * Dershowitz: Garland is chilling free speech with attack on parents * Censored U.S. senator: Stop patronizing Big Tech sites * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!
  55. ARTICLE STACK 10-06-21   VIDEO: YouTube Bans Vaccine Misinformation * VIDEO: Christian arrested for preaching * VIDEO: God help any Republican who assists the left with this * Far Left Facebook Whistleblower: People Like Me Should Regulate Big Tech (Create a problem to legitimize the solution)
  56. ARTICLE STACK 09-29-21   VIDEO: USA Today Trying to ‘Fact Check’ Our ‘Claims’ in #CovidVaxExposed Part 1 - O'Keefe Says He Will Sue!
  57. ARTICLE STACK 09-15-21   The U.S Navy’s New Non-Lethal Weapon Can Stop You From Talking – Here Is How (Now you know why your cell phone ECHOES your own voice back to you at times) * VIDEO: Google blocks pro-life group LiveAction's ads over 'unproven medical claims' * Doctors form new alliance to combat censorship of lifesaving COVID info * New York governor tells Facebook to censor pro-life statements * 'Dramatic and unprecedented': Google bans ads of pro-life group
  58. ARTICLE STACK 09-01-21   Report: Facebook to Reduce Visibility of Political Posts (Is this because the right is gaining ground?) * VIDEO: UK Government To Censor Free Speech Online * Republicans' trust in news media plunges to abysmal level
  59. ARTICLE STACK 08-25-21   Canadian Pastor Who Faces 4-Year Jail Sentence For ‘Inciting’ Church Warns Americans: ‘The Enemy Is Not Hiding Anymore’ (Pope hopes to close ALL churches that refuse to echo his "ecumenical message") * Big-name conservatives go on offense against fact-check fakery * VIDEO: Trump asks federal judge to force YouTube to reinstate him * VIDEO: Fire captain probed for calling mandatory vaccines 'tyranny'
  60. ARTICLE STACK 08-18-21   PHOTOS: Kettering Health Vaccine Mandate Protest (Not surprised NONE of this is on main stream news) * Don't talk to your neighbors': 1 country reimposes lockdowns after single COVID case
  61. ARTICLE STACK 08-11-21  VIDEO: YouTube (aka Google) Pulled ANOTHER poGm Video! * VIDEO: New Zealand Shuts Down * VIDEO: They Want To Shut Down The Internet? * Rand Paul Blasts YouTube for Censorship of His Coronavirus Remarks * YouTube suspends Sen. Rand Paul for exposing truth about masks
  62. ARTICLE STACK 08-04-21  Sky News Australia banned from YouTube for seven days over Covid misinformation * YouTube suspends major news outlet for videos of COVID treatments * 'Fake news' giants joining Twitter as power censors * Criticizing scientists like Fauci could soon become 'hate crime'
  63. ARTIC
  64. LE STACK 07-28-21 Dem senator suggests Biden team up with Facebook to stamp out speech they don't like * Speech and Reporting Censored as ‘Anti-Muslim’
  65. ARTICLE STACK 07-21-21   Report: Twitter Reports Surge in Government Demands to Censor the News * YouTube Censors, then Reinstates Chicago-Area School Board Meeting Where Parents Opposed Mask Mandates * VIDEO: Rubio Calls Out Twitter — ‘Hypocrites’ for Banning Trump but not Cuban Socialist Dictator * VIDEO: Irony Overload: Google CEO Sundar Pichai Says ‘Free and Open Internet’ Under Attack * VIDEO: DeSantis Vs. Reporters * White House to Ask SMS Carriers to Monitor Vaccine ‘Misinformation’ in Private Text Messages * YouTube is now censoring government meetings that it doesn’t want the public to see… is Big Tech now dictating what governments are allowed to say? * Canadian doctors SLAM coordinated censorship of coronavirus vaccine information * Big tech scrubs religious radio show from YouTube * COVID WITCH HUNT: DC AG subpoenas Facebook for data on ALL users that have spread “COVID-19 misinformation” * VIDEO: Covid Conversation BAN * California Appeals Court: Mandatory Transgender Pronouns Violate First Amendment * Judges warn school its policies violate Constitution’s free speech clause


    ARTICLE STACK 07-14-21  VIDEO: Your private conversations will be controlled by the DNC * VIDEO: They Want To Censor Your Private Messages * Cuba Shuts Down Internet to Silence Citizens, Hide Ongoing Protests * Zumwalt: How The New York Times Used Fake News to Help Fidel Castro * VIDEO: Biden OKs Amazon 'radar' that will let company see what you do in bed

  67. VIDEO: Donald Trump Announces Lawsuit Against Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg 
  68. DeSantis promises fight for online freedom of speech will continue 
  69. ARTICLE STACK 06-30-21  Hate speech: Government plans new law, tougher penalties * VIDEO: Justin Trudeau introduces worst censorship law of any western democracy * VIDEO: Facebook fact-checkers’ “pants on fire” lie (from Livestream #84) * VIDEO: YouTube censors scientist's popular podcast for mentioning ivermectin * VIDEO: Fox News cuts Trump border-visit feed after he starts talking about 'forbidden subject' * Biden's presidency killing traffic for all news media * Agree with the gov't or pay the price: Canada's new bill would fine Canadians for Facebook posts
  70. ARTICLE STACK 06-23-21 VIDEO: Fauci is a Democratic activist, not a neutral public health expert * Sean Davis: Big Tech Companies Are Outsourcing Censorship Through Dishonest “Fact Check” Firms * Gal stranded with $0.00: Major bank cancels Trump supporter's account without warning * VIDEO: 'Not allowed to ask real questions': CBS reporter 'fired for exposing fake news' * VIDEO: Beauty queen blasts 'Orwellian' campus censorship in fiery speech * Canada: Liberal government manipulates tragic murders of Muslims to fuel drive against the freedom of speech
  71. ARTICLE STACK 06-16-21 Report: Hunter Biden to Guest Teach Tulane University Class on ‘Fake News’ this Fall (WHAT?!) * VIDEO: Al Jazeera journalist leaves hospital day after Israeli arrest * Internet outage cuts off news, streaming, social media sites worldwide (The cloud is simply too unstable) * VIDEO: Tucker obtains ‘shocking’ government document on bias-free language. Say What? * VIDEO: Government Threatens Retired Engineer With a Crime for Doing Math * VIDEO: Facebook Whistleblowers Expose LEAKED INTERNAL DOCS * VIDEO: Fox 26 Reporter Releases tape of ‘Corruption,’ ‘Censorship’ * VIDEO: MURDERED ? Brandy Vaughan Anti-Vaccination Activist Found Dead * Facebook exec admits his 'fact-checkers' could be biased (Ya Think?!)
  72. ARTICLE STACK 06-09-21 VIDEO: RAW FOOTAGE: Police THREATEN Avi Yemini at home * Naomi Wolf Blacklisted by Twitter for ‘Vaccine Misinformation’ * Servers Down: UK Government, Amazon, CNN, Newspaper Websites Impacted
  73. ARTICLE STACK 06-02-21 VIDEO: My Video Defining HATE removed by YouTube / Google * VIDEO: The Biggest Protest Yet - Please Share Because You Know Msm Won't Mention It * VIDEO: Plannedillusion News Alert:Protestors Beaten & Tyrannized In Melbourne(May 29,2021) * Ministry of Truth: Facebook Posts Deemed ‘Fake Vaccine Theories’ May Be Referred to Australian Police (What they deem as "fake" is actually 100% true) * AUDIO: Rubio: Social Media Crackdowns on Lab Leak Theory Were Basically China Controlling American Speech * Goolag: Marlow Book Reveals Google Still Suppressing Breitbart News * Chris Pratt to People Who Moan About America’: ‘Your Right to Free Expression Is Paid for in Blood’ * ‘Surviving Disaster’ Host and Navy SEAL Cade Courtley: I Left Hollywood Because I Couldn’t ‘Express Love for This Country’ * Biden, Twitter and founder Jack Dorsey sued as social giant 'enforcing' COVID-19 policies * School sued for suspending teacher who opposed transgender activism * Store faces backlash after showing off anti-vax Star of David badges
  74. Conservatives Fire Back After Prince Harry Calls the First Amendment 'Bonkers'
  75. Twitter suspends politician for saying 'a man cannot get pregnant,' he goes to Facebook with perfect response: Report
  76. School blocks girl from 'Jesus Loves Me' mask, but her faith still making impact (The school lied about mask policy - Plus they allowed BLM masks in the same school)
  77. Biden team may partner with private firms to monitor extremist chatter online
  78. Kill the Bill: Tories confirm plans to crack down on protest rights
  79. VIDEO: Social media censorship of vaccine expert (Geert Vanden Bossche & Bret Weinstein)
  80. VIDEO: Biden is 'brazenly exploiting the pandemic to centralize control'
  81. Marsha Blackburn Opposes Establishment Media Cartel Plan: Will ‘Make It Even Easier’ for Big Tech to ‘Censor Conservative Voices’
  82. Biden's new warning system could single out conservative narratives (NEW? Did I miss something here? Nope - not at all)
  83. VIDEO: Pastor arrested after citing Biblical marriage definition a ‘vile attack’ on freedom of religion
  84. Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions
  85. MINISTRY OF TRUTH: 12 state attorneys general demand Big Tech platforms eliminate all speech from people injured by vaccines
  86. Biden climate summit: Are ambitious carbon cuts even enough?
  87. Big Tech now colluding with Big Pharma to keep the truth from Americans as Instagram bans Robert F. Kennedy’s vaccine truths
  88. VIDEO: Meghan McCain Accuses ‘The View’ of Ignoring Hunter Biden Stories
  89. VIDEO: Media concealing profile of anti-Asian attackers
  90. Roku Warns Customers May Lose Service Due to Google’s ‘Predatory’ Power
  91. VIDEO: 'This is clearly more evidence you cannot trust the mainstream media'
  92. VIDEO: New York Times builds CEO 'hit list' for activists to target
  93. Facebook and Instagram Block Users From Sharing NY Post Report on BLM Co-Founder’s Multi-Million-Dollar Property Purchases
  94. China Deleting Feminists from Social Media amid Birth Rate Collapse
  95. VIDEO: Google will ‘de-rank’ RT articles to make them harder to find – Eric Schmidt
  96. VIDEO: Reporters try to stop police chief from calling Minnesota unrest a ‘riot’ (AGAIN!)
  97. VIDEO: CNN staffer caught on tape admitting network tried 'to get Trump out of office'
  98. VIDEO: You're NOT allowed to question the Vaccine! (They're hiding SCARY facts!)
  99. Facebook Bans Your Gun Ads But Spends Millions On Zuckerberg Security
  100. VIDEO: Watch: Sledgehammer-Wielding Thugs Ransack Epoch Times’ Hong Kong Printing Plant
  101. Muslims sue Facebook for allowing sites exposing jihad violence (If it uplifts killing Christians it's ok - if it makes them look bad - ban it) 
  102. VIDEO: Wait Until You Find Out What They’re Not Telling You About Covid-19
  103. VIDEO: Whistleblower Dr Michovitz, Fired & Imprisoned, Reveals All About Fauci
  104. Facebook 'corrects' woman's complaint vaccine 'is killing me,' then she dies
  105. VIDEO: '60 Minutes' deceives viewers in edited video of Ron DeSantis
  106. VIDEO: A Crisis Of Free Speech
  107. Twitter Cracks Down on COVID Vaccine Misinformation 
  108. Updates to our work on COVID-19 vaccine misinformation (Truth is not misinformation)
  109. VIDEO: C-D-C Blows The Lid Off The COVID Pandemic—Media Goes Into High Gear to Cover It Up...
  111. Twitter Censors Official Coronavirus Adviser and Renowned Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff
  112. Social media don't allow breaking COVID narratives, despite frequent backtracking on findings
  113. Facebook goes full Big Brother, kills Lara Trump interview with Donald
  114. CNN spins man's violent death during carjacking as 'accident' despite video proof
  115. VIDEO: Facebook yanks video, saying 'voice of Donald Trump' is not allowed on platform
  116. VIDEO: Dem Rep. Schakowsky: ‘We’re Going to Regulate’ Tech Companies, and There Must Be ‘Limitations’ on User Content
  117. Twitter Won’t Say if Dehumanizing Language About Whiteness Violates Rules
  118. Twitter ‘Mistakenly’ Censors Photos of Migrant Overflow Cells
  119. UFlorida suspends three conservative student groups for their ‘Coalition Cookout’ event
  120. VIDEO: Pastor jailed in Canada for preaching during the pandemic
  121. Federal judge pens dissent slamming decades-old press protections (It won't matter - Christian Prophecy WILL be fulfilled)
  122. State Legislatures Make “Unprecedented” Push On Anti-protest Bills
  123. New anti-protest bill raises profound concern and alarm, human rights groups say
  124. Kentucky Senate Votes To Make It A Crime To Taunt, Insult Police
  125. Trump: 'We don't have freedom of the press'
  126. VIDEO: If you can prove the vaccine is deadly, they will delete your videos (Their actions alone prove the truth is on our side)
  127. Equality Act Would Close or Punish ‘Thousands’ of Religious Organizations, Senators Told (Have 501c3? Have trouble!)
  128. Congressional Republicans Demand Amazon Answer for Book Banning
  129. Facebook Says It ‘Limit’ the Reach of Groups that Break Rules
  130. Report: Google’s Tracking Change Draws DOJ Antitrust Scrutiny
  131. Outrage mob tries to ruin career of journalist who dared to acknowledge kids sometimes 'desist' after presenting as transgender
  132. Prof tells students: OK to cite CNN, New York Times — not Fox News, OANN
  133. Judge rules university lecturer was ‘unnecessarily aggressive’ by using too much punctuation in texts
  134. Virtual Police nabs netizen over criticism of President Jokowi’s son
  135. Lt. Col. Vindman unveils plan to silence 'right-wing' media * YouTube demonetizes WND for defending Mike Lindell
  136. Is It a Fair Cop? Why Campaigners and Activists are So Angry About Priti Patel’s New Policing Bill
  137. Facebook to Label All Coronavirus Vaccine Posts with ‘Official Info’ (They can't keep up with all the truth exposing them)
  138. Facebook, Google fight bill that would help U.S. news industry
  139. YouTube Blacklists 30,000 Videos It Claims Are Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Misinformation’ (I am one the many they censored)
  140. Free speech group accuses police of 'inventing' hate crimes
  141. Free speech site fights back against anti-Semitism claim from Texas guv
  142. State attorneys general mobilize to combat Big Tech censorship
  143. Twitter sues Texas AG to halt probe into its suppression of free speech
  144. How the NYTimes covered up for a terrorist
  145. VIDEO: Denmark Say NO To Lockdown Law & Government Relent This info was NOT on main stream anywhere)
  146. Report: Google Employees Reporting Racism, Sexism Asked to Take ‘Mental Health’ Leave
  147. Biden Admin Restricts Senior DHS Officials from Sharing Border Crisis Info with Reporters
  148. Vicious Dems in Congress urge cable companies to drop conservative news
  149. Judges agree to limits on what Christians can say in workplace
  150. Rick Santorum: Defend Constitution to defend conservative media
  151. VIDEO: YouTube algorithm blocked chess vlogger for talk about white and black game pieces: Report
  152. YouTube Says Donald Trump’s Account to Remain Blacklisted Until ‘Risk of Violence Has Decreased’ (One of many reasons I am now posting to BITchute)
  153. Blue State Blues: Oh, the Books You Will Burn!
  154. Dr. Seuss Books to Remain on Shelves at New York Public Library: We Don’t Censor Books
  155. YouTube Blacklists Donald Trump’s CPAC Speech, Suspends RSBN Channel
  156. EBay to Ban Six Dr. Seuss Books for Violating ‘Offensive Material’ Policy
  157. Gov. Greg Abbott announces effort to ban social media censorship in Texas (Sad he has to do that - but I say go for it!)
  158. Dark money, free speech addressed by H.R.1?
  159. VIDEO: Top-rated news anchor resigns, destroys media bias
  160. Amazon: First they dropped Bibles, then they dropped books
  161. Free Speech Author: Regressive Left Brands as ‘Hate Speech’ Any Speech They Hate 
  162. London Mayoral Candidate Piers Corbyn Arrested for Campaigning Against Lockdown
  163. Twitter Blacklists Conservative Influencer Rogan ‘DC Draino’ O’Handley
  164. Paoletta: Amazon Prime Cancels Justice Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month
  165. College student suspended for saying 'A man is a man, a woman is a woman'
  166. Torching free speech
  167. VIDEO: Project Veritas: Salesforce Plans to Blacklist Clients for Political Speech, Citing Capitol Riot (Yet the mainstream media can continue unchecked?) 
  168. GOP Senators Denounce Amazon Censorship of Anti-Transgender Book
  169. Bokhari: BuzzFeed’s ‘Exposé’ of Facebook, Translated
  170. Employee fired for having Parler and Gab social-media accounts
  171. FCC chair silent on deplatforming conservative news, accused Trump of 'assault on free expression'
  172. VIDEO: BANNED! Twitter Blocked Our Voter Fraud Evidence
  173. VIDEO: Kevin Sorbo on Facebook Blacklisting: Zuckerberg Has More Power Than Our Government
  174. Cable TV now axing Christian programs – like mine
  175. America's insurrection against God
  176. Network pulls plug on major Christian ministry for carrying Christian message
  177. 'Media' have turned into 'wanton propagandists'
  178. Amazon deplatforms book on transgenderism by conservative author without explanation
  179. VIDEO: Facebook news ban to 'profoundly' impact regular Australians and media outlets
  180. VIDEO: Government Will Stand Firm After Facebook Bans Australian Media
  181. Aussie PM Scott Morrison Claims Global Support in Fight Against ‘Arrogant’ Facebook
  182. VIDEO: Project Veritas: Mark Zuckerberg Expressed Concern About ‘Modifying DNA and RNA
  183. Report: Hasbro Stops Making Gina Carano’s ‘Star Wars’ Action Figure (Why? See this video)
  184. VIDEO: Police send late-night 'Gestapo to intimidate' mom for Facebook remark (Thought Police!) 
  185. VIDEO: UK gov't condemns 'the creeping culture of censorship' and issues new policies to strengthen academic freedom
  186. VIDEO: Dem Rep. Jacobs: ‘Truth Commission’ Needed on Racial Injustice to Establish a Common Narrative
  187. Latest on plans to criminalize 'hate speech' in homes (The joys of Alexa, Siri and Cortana)
  188. Blackout of Cuomo nursing-home cover-up scandal during MSNBC, CNN primetime
  189. School superintendent in hot water for saying Black Lives Matter is a ‘political’ movement
  190. University blocks research of transgenders who regret switching sex
  191. VIDEO: Cop plays Beatles' 'Yesterday' while cellphone camera records him, presumably to trigger copyright claim so clip is blocked
  192. WSJ Fact-Checks the Fact-Checkers on Biden Family Business
  193. WILL THIS WORK? 'One platform for all' to counter Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube (Time will tell)
  194. Gab founder says he'll no longer do interviews with 'pagan' media
  195. YouTube kills LifeSite's channel, every video completely gone
  196. Trump defense attorney argues in support of free political speech (Such an argument proves the Constitution is a dead letter - as prophesied)
  197. Senate Antitrust Reform Bill Targets Big Tech’s Monopoly Power
  198. Brazil: Conservative Lawmakers Debut Bills Against Big Tech Censorship
  199. YouTube completely bans LifeSiteNews, removes all videos
  200. VIDEO: Democrats edit impeachment video to conveniently exclude Trump's call to protest ‘peacefully'
  201. VIDEO: YouTube Doesn't Want You to See The WWI Conspiracy. Here's How to Watch It
  202. Nolte: How the Fake Media Destroy Trump Supporters Like NFL Legend Jim Brown * Denmark may force churches to submit sermons to government
  203. VIDEO: Parler co-owner Bongino pushes back on claims by ousted CEO John Matze: 'Time to correct the record'
  204. TX AG Ken Paxton: Key to Stopping Google’s Censorship Is Breaking Its Advertising Monopoly
  205. Facebook permanently bans pro-gun group without explanation: Report
  206. As Poland Legislates to Guarantee Free Speech, UK Cracks Down on ‘Hate Speech’ Instead
  207. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Launches Ambitious Crackdown on Big Tech (Another politician claiming to do something that will never happen)
  208. University 'cancels' prof for supporting Trump
  209. 'Demonic' war: Social-media CEO urges Americans to delete Big Tech apps, build Christian economy (I've been warning people for years to GET OFF FACEBOOK - yet?)
  210. Study blasting conservatives funded by Biden donor * Not just Mike Lindell, Twitter permanently bans MyPillow corporate account
  211. VIDEO: Hawley: Dems Want Big Corporations Acting as ‘the Hand of the Government
  212. Twitter suspends major Christian group on mind-boggling grounds
  213. Videos reveal Zuckerberg opposed Trump, but wants to work with Biden
  214. Rigged? Robinhood shafts users while Google deletes 100k bad reviews
  215. VIDEO: Steven Crowder’s lawyer files lawsuit against Facebook alleging litany of censorship-related offenses
  216. VIDEO: CNN's Brian Stelter wants 'liar' Fox News' influence reduced, claims it's not 'censorship': 'Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom of reach'
  217. VIDEO: I made this video 6 years ago - I pray some "see" it now
  218. Calls to ban Telegram in U.S. run into growing opposition
  219. VIDEO: Biden signs memo banning federal use of ‘Wuhan virus’ to refer to COVID-19
  220. Google Deletes Almost 100,000 Negative Robinhood App Reviews
  221. Hungary Will Legislate Against Tech Censorship: ‘We Must Fight for Our Digital Freedom!’
  222. Nolte: Blacklisting Campaign Launched Against Mommy Blogger for Trump Donations
  223. Christian scholar tossed in Facebook jail for 'violence and incitement.' His crime? Objecting to Biden's transgender military policy
  224. Facebook Now Banning Bible Verses!
  225. YouTube Extends Trump Account Suspension – Again
  226. VIDEO: FNC’s Carlson: ‘Never in American History Has There Been Press Censorship on This Scale
  227. VIDEO: The left’s attempt to wash away the past is ‘Orwellian
  228. Poland Urges U.S. to Regulate Big Tech, ‘Every Citizen Must Be Protected’ from Censorship (Thanks Poland - But, it's not going to happen)
  229. UK’s Prince Harry demands social media censorship of Americans
  230. American Horror Story’ Star Leslie Grossman Wishes She Assaulted Rand Paul, Twitter Does Nothing (The left can say what the right cannot)
  231. President of EU National Populists Joins International Backlash Against Tech Censors
  232. Free speech: 'The dread of tyrants'
  233. Twitter sued for allowing child porn because it didn't 'violate policies' (Wait! What?!)
  234. Iran tweets threats of violent revenge against Trump — but Twitter took its sweet time removing the message and people are noticing
  235. Michelle Malkin, RSBN, Gateway Pundit Censored by Twitter on Inauguration Eve (If the left was so good and trustworthy, why do they fear letting the right speak?)
  236. Limbaugh predicts next target of left's crush of conservatives
  237. Hundreds in national media demand end to 'objectivity' (Racists looking to end police racism?)
  238. VIDEO: Twitter Senior Executive Details Plans for Political Censorship on a Global Scale
  239. VIDEO: Poland Unveils Draft Law to Guarantee Free Speech Online
  240. Amazon Boots Parler for Users’ ‘Violent’ Language, but Hosts Merchant Selling ‘Kill All Republicans’ Shirt (Just so you know - Civil War was Prophesied)
  241. VIDEO: Facebook Censors Mexican Cardinal for Denouncing ‘New World Order
  242. NY wants to put people in concentration camps using same excuse Hitler used
  243. Google-Funded Conservative Groups Urge Congress to Avoid Antitrust Action Against Big Tech (If you're "Google-Funded" you're not reall a "Conservative Group")
  244. Nolte: CNN Demands Cable Companies Blacklist OAN and Newsmax TV
  245. Facebook Restricting Gun Accessory Ads, ‘Stop the Steal’ Verbiage
  246. High School Principal ‘On Leave’ After Criticizing Social Media Censorship
  247. Twitter Temporarily Suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Account
  248. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Approved Blacklisting Donald Trump While on French Polynesia Vacation
  249. Twitter exec says discussion of election fraud being shut down
  250. Brave European nation weighs Big Tech sanctions over 'systemic abuses' of free speech
  251. They want you to shut up: The crackdown on free speech
  252. VIDEO: Vaccine Injury Video Deleted From Facebook 13th Jan 2021 - Shawn Skelton COVID from Oakland City, In
  253. Prime Minister of Poland Vows to Stop Big Tech Censoring ‘Those Who Think Differently’ (My Polish brethren - Please send info on VPS's in your nation)
  254. UK Police Chief: ‘Now Is Really Not the Time’ for Freedom of Speech, Right to Assembly (This is EXACTLY the time!)
  255. Let Freedom Ring’ Protest Denied Permit at California State Capitol
  256. Curt Schilling Says AIG Canceled Insurance Because of His ‘Social Media Profile’
  257. VIDEO: Project Veritas Video Shows Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Saying Censorship Is Not ‘Going Away Anytime Soon
  258. Hong Kong Shuts Down Dissident Websites After Mass Arrests
  259. VIDEO: Principal punished for warning kids about Twitter censorship
  260. VIDEO: A Florida teacher was filmed falsely telling students 'Antifa' was behind the Capitol riots (FALSELY?! Actually, they are hiding the fact Democrats sent Antifa to attack the capital also see these pics and vids)
  261. VIDEO: Freedom of speech is under siege
  262. #WalkAway Campaign, Other Trump Activists Purged from Facebook
  263. Florida Legislator Urges Ron DeSantis to Divest from Big Tech
  264. YouTube Competitor Rumble Sues Google over Search Rankings
  265. Google Suspends President Trump’s YouTube Channel over ‘Potential for Violence’
  266. House Republicans Introduce Resolution to Censure Donald Trump
  267. VIDEO: Antifa Forces Portland Bookstore Closure over Journalist’s Forthcoming Book
  268. Twitter Says Internet Shutdowns ‘Violate Basic Human Rights’ — in Uganda (But perfectly OK to censor their users in the USA)
  269. Facebook removing all references to 'stop the steal'
  270. Conservatives call for breakup of Big Tech after it declared 'war on free speech'
  271. Media powerhouse tells conservative hosts: Shut up about election fraud or get fired!
  272. GoDaddy kicks biggest gun forum off internet without explanation
  273. Supreme Court hears free-speech fight sparked by college's Christian censorship
  274. World leaders join in outrage over censorship of Donald Trump
  275. Internet provider blocks Facebook, Twitter after customers complain about censorship
  276. Retailer PatrioticMe permanently banned from advertising pro-America products on Facebook
  277. University professors push Biden to create ‘misinformation commission’ to counter right-wing 'lies' (As expected, TRUTH will now be ILLEGAL)
  278. Dems to block conservatives from even using the internet?
  279. Parler Goes Dark Following Amazon Web Services Suspension
  280. VIDEO: Mark Levin: Media ‘Exploiting’ What Took Place on Capitol Hill — ‘Trying to Silence’ Conservatives, Republicans
  281. Capitol Hill is the 9/11 Moment of Social Media’ — EU Commissioner Calls for Govt Control of the Internet (Now do you see why the cops let the rioters enter the Captial?)
  282. Big Tech, Corporate America Lines Up as Donors to Fund Joe Biden’s Inauguration (Notice the Pagan Halo!)
  283. Social Media Exodus: Prominent Conservatives Abandon Twitter
  284. Report: Chinese Government Censors WeChat Users Living in America
  285. Free Speech Platform Gab Reports 750% Increase in Traffic
  286. Mozilla Chairwoman: ‘We Need More Than Deplatforming’ (Make it easy for them - boycott Firefox)
  287. ACLU Warns of ‘Unchecked Power’ After Facebook, Twitter Suspend Trump
  288. Trump a Twitter rival? After ban, president says he's in talks with other platforms -- or may launch his own (If he does this, it will be larger than Facebook)
  289. Parler CEO slams 'coordinated attack' as Amazon, Apple and Google go after conservatives
  290. Leaders in Germany and France attack Twitter's move to ban President Trump, blast Big Tech for curbing free speech
  291. Online extremism ‘cannot be policed’, says head of UK counter-terror police
  292. Michelle Obama Calls on Big Tech to Ban Donald Trump
  293. Simon & Schuster Cancels Sen. Josh Hawley’s Book over Electoral Vote Objection
  294. Shopify Blacklists Trump Webstore
  295. Facebook Blacklists Donald Trump ‘Indefinitely’
  296. Twitch Suspends Donald Trump’s Account Indefinitely
  297. YouTube Escalates Censorship of ‘Election Misinformation’
  298. Ajit Pai Kills Effort to Stop Big Tech Censorship, ‘Wont Second Guess’ Trump Ban (Now do you see why I created
  299. Rob Schneider Warns of the ‘Tech Information Takeover of the World’
  300. Free speech threatened in social-media censorship of president
  301. VIDEO: Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine) - Now Banned on YouTube and Facebook 
  302. VIDEO: Watch: Ted Cruz Labels Google the ‘Most Dangerous Company on the Face of the Planet
  303. Bokhari: Democrats Using Antitrust to Demand More Big Tech Censorship
  304. Government orders 'Jesus' on T-shirt censored as 'political speech'
  305. Facebook Deletes 1.7 Million Member Group ‘Joe Biden Is Not My President!’ With NO WARNING Or Explanation
  306. VIDEO: Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine) - Now Banned on YouTube and Facebook 
  307. Journalist jailed (chained hand and foot 24/7) for reporting on China coronavirus
  308. YouTube Censors Video by Dr. Ron Paul for ‘Medical Misinformation’ (They did the exact same thing to me)
  309. Court considering redefinition of copyright 'fair use'
  310. China sentences early COVID whistleblower to 4 years in jail for exposing truth about the virus
  311. VIDEO: Dave Rubin on Big Tech Censorship: ‘2021 Will Be the Year of the Bannings’
  312. Free Speech Victory: Judges Rule Social Media Users Have Right to Offend (Why would Big Tech comply? - They have been breaking Constitutional law for years!)
  313. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Demands Social Media Giants Censor Conservative Celebrities and Non-Woke Liberal Stars
  314. Omar, Tlaib and AOC demand Facebook remove 100% of 'anti-Muslim content' (If Islam was of God you would not fear the lies exposing it)
  315. Twitter says it will remove all posts claiming vaccines can harm people
  316. Study: 'Cancel culture' decimating free speech at world's leading universities
  317. Report: Big Tech giving Joe Biden cash while hiding Hunter Biden scandals
  318. New York bans sale of Confederate flags and other 'symbols of hate'; Gov. Cuomo admits bill he just signed has First Amendment problems
  319. Dershowitz: ‘Not Fair’ Big Tech Companies Can Censor Users and Have Immunity
  320. Twitter Briefly Stops Users from Interacting with Trump Election Fraud Posts
  321. Conservative Organization Offers Students Books Banned by Burbank School District
  322. Schweizer: ‘National Tragedy’ How Media Acted as ‘Gatekeepers’ of Hunter Biden Story
  323. Teenage girl: I was banned from wearing American flag in yearbook photo
  324. Ed Dept. launches ‘Free Speech Hotline’ to combat cancel culture on campus
  325. Jonathan Turley: Criminalization of private speech coming to U.S.
  326. Facebook and Google Are Buying Up Rivals Despite Antitrust Action
  327. States are being banned from thinking differently
  328. A ‘Young, Queer Asian-American Businesswoman’ Will Control Free Speech on Twitter
  329. Dennis Prager on Big Tech Censorship: ‘Twitter Is the Worst’ — ‘Thuggish’
  330. Thanksgiving SCOTUS Decision Shows We’re One Vote from Losing First Amendment
  331. Diversity officer: '1st Amendment 'excuse' is out' regarding offensive speech
  332. My Video Showing how a Virus Works was Pulled by YouTube
  333. VIDEO: Josh Hawley Presses Facebook, Twitter on ‘Coordinated Censorship,’ Tracking Users
  334. Sharyl Attkisson on Big Tech Censorship: Sheep Are Happy to Live in Artificial Reality
  335. Twitter Temporarily Suspends Sidney Powell
  336. Wired: Facebook Attacks Critics ‘in the Name of Privacy’
  337. University double-standard: Criticize Biden, get fired; criticize Trump, keep your job
  338. Study: Scandinavian Countries Engaging in ‘Extremely Aggressive’ Internet Censorship
  339. Facebook Censorship Case Hits Supreme Court Docket
  340. AUDIO: Limbaugh: Blumenthal Violated His Constitutional Oath Asking for More Censorship of Breitbart News
  341. 'We no longer have' an 'honest press'
  342. VIDEO: Josh Hawley Confronts Mark Zuckerberg with Evidence of Internal Facebook Censorship Tool
  343. Marsha Blackburn Condemns Big Tech’s Cancel Culture in Fiery Speech
  344. China: Journalist Faces Five Years in Prison for Coronavirus Reporting from Wuhan
  345. Roman Catholic Biden orchestrates 'ominous turn' against free speech
  346. Brownback warns China using tech to suppress religious people
  347. Popular conservative site gets deplatformed by internet giant
  348. COVID Censorship: 80 Per Cent of Brits Back Criminalising ‘Anti-Vax’ Posts
  349. Nikki Haley Slams Twitter for Flagging Election Fraud Tweet: ‘Wonder Why Conservatives Don’t Trust Big Tech?’
  350. As I have said all along - Covid19 IS designed to remove Free Speech and Religious Liberty (Satan is trying to stop the LOUD Cry)
  351. Parler adds 5 million users as conservatives grow tired of Twitter's censorship
  352. Nolte: New York Times’ Kevin Roose Calls Accurate Stories About Election Integrity Fight ‘Misinformation’
  353. Twitter Labels 8 Trump Posts in 24 Hours
  354. Media hides basic reality that Biden has not been elected
  355. Michigan AG threatens journalist exposing vote fraud
  356. The 1st Amendment right school denies student
  357. Facebook Clamps Down on Groups Spreading ‘Misinformation’
  358. Nolte: Bret Baier Deletes Tweet that Exposed Exploding Backlash Against Fox News
  359. School bans 'Jesus Loves Me' face mask as 'offensive, disruptive'
  360. Brits consider criminalizing dinner-table talk
  361. France's terror attack and what it means to free speech
  362. Twitter Censors 6 Trump Posts in 24 Hours
  363. Facebook Censorship: Platform Will ‘Temporarily Demote’ Posts that Share ‘Election Misinformation’
  364. New York Times Praises Twitter and Facebook for Design Changes to Aid Censorship
  365. VIDEO: Ted Cruz Blasts Twitter for Censoring Video Alleging Philadelphia Voting Corruption
  366. Facebook Censors Grassroots ‘Stop the Steal’ Group with 300,000+ Members
  367. Liberal Pressure Groups Urge Twitter to Ban Trump
  368. Pollak: Seven Kinds of Election Interference, from Fraud to Censorship
  369. ABC, CBS, NBC Cut Away from President Trump’s Live Remarks on Election
  370. Twitter censors Trump declaring victory in Pennsylvania, Michigan
  371. London grinds to halt with 1,200 miles of traffic jams, thousands flee before lockdown
  372. Analysis: Twitter Censorship Dramatically Cut Trump’s Engagement on Election Night
  373. Google Is Still Erasing Breitbart Stories About Joe Biden from Search
  374. 'Democrats have become enablers of corporate speech controls'
  375. High school forces student to remove pro-Trump face mask, allows pro-Biden masks: warning letter
  376. Twitter's 'living internet' killing free speech
  377. School district retroactively changes policy to justify ban on ‘Jesus Loves Me’ mask: lawsuit (‘Black Lives Matter’ and sports logos allowed on masks, though)
  378. Obama administration wins Jefferson Muzzle award for restricting free press (Just a reminder as to how this all started 6 years ago)
  379. VIDEO: Facebook banned this ad
  380. VIDEO: CNN refuses pro-Trump ad on Biden raising taxes, becomes only news network to declare it 'false'
  381. Glenn Greenwald Resigns from The Intercept, Claims Editors Refused to Publish Biden Criticisms
  382. VIDEO: Joe Biden Campaign Cuts off Nevada TV Reporter After Two Questions
  383. Twitter Warns Breitbart Reporter over Violating Pakistani Law with Mohammed Cartoons
  384. Analysis: Conservative Wikipedia Editors Six Times More Likely to Face Sanctions than Leftists
  385. Pakistan Govt Demanded Twitter Take Down Images of Tribute to Beheaded Teacher
  386. Report: U.S. Border Chief Mark Morgan Locked Out of Twitter Account for Border Wall Post
  387. VIDEO: McEnany: Twitter’s Dorsey a ‘Mob Artist’ for Censoring Hunter Biden Story — ‘What Happens in North Korea
  388. Government threatens prosecution of 'hate speech' in homes (How will they know? Alexa, Siri, Cortana or your cell phone)
  389. Egypt president claims freedom of expression 'stops' when Muslims are offended
  390. VIDEO: ‘How Do You Maintain a Democratic System When Reality Itself Has Been Banned?’
  391. VIDEO: Election Interference: Google Suppresses Breitbart News in Search – Even with Exact Headline
  392. Marsha Blackburn Calls Out Google CEO Sundar Pichai over Suppression of Breitbart News
  393. Joe Biden Corruption’ Trends on Google – But Google Whitewashes Autocomplete Suggestions 
  394. Facebook and Twitter CEOs Can’t Name a Leftist They’ve Censored
  395. Facebook Political Ad Blackout Suffers Glitches
  396. A Former Venezuelan Government Operative Works for Facebook
  397. U.S. senator scorches Twitter for censoring bombshell Biden report
  398. VIDEO: Hunter's ex-business partner drops bombshell on Joe Biden and family (Most Networks Censored This)
  399. Nearly half of university students OK with censoring speech
  400. Christian, Family Groups Condemn Wikipedia Banning Statements Against Gay Marriage 
  401. Election Interference: YouTube Runs ‘Fact Check’ on Searches, Not Just Videos, About Biden and Fracking
  402. VIDEO: Ron Paul talks Big Tech censoring conservatives
  403. New Jersey mayor opens food boxes, removes and replaces Trump letter with his own
  404. Rose McGowan Says Facebook Deactivated Her Account over Presidential Debate
  405. Election Meddling: Twitter Locks Account of Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Hogan Gidley (If they do it to a sitting president - the will do it to anyone)
  406. Project Veritas: Google Advertising Manager Boasts Company Can Censor ‘Right-Wing’ Ads
  407. Report: Facebook Hires Chinese Nationals to Censor Platform
  408. VIDEO: WH’s McEnany on Twitter: ‘Big Tech Is Acting Like Big Government’
  409. VIDEO: Tech Companies That Don’t Act as Open Platforms Shouldn’t Get Section 230 Immunity
  410. Ted Cruz: Big Tech Believes It Has Authority over What the Press Is Allowed to Report
  411. Grant funded by Zuckerberg used to boost Dem vote
  412. Brent Bozell: Tech companies 'have the power' to decide the presidency
  413. VIDEO: Google Election Influence Exposed
  414. Day 5: New York Post Defies Twitter’s Demand to Delete Biden Stories, Remains Suspended
  415. Report: Big Tech Censored Trump and His Campaign’s Social Media Accounts at Least 65 Times, Biden’s 0
  416. Educator publicly beheaded for showing images of the Islamic prophet during lessons on freedom of expression
  417. 73-Year-Old Vietnam Veteran Assaulted for Waving Trump Flag — Bernie Supporter Charged
  418. Think Tank Funded by U.S. And Foreign Governments Calls for Suppression of Breitbart, Fox, Conservative Media
  419. VIDEO: Antifa Knocks Out Black Man’s Teeth for Holding Free Speech Rally While Calling Him ‘N’ Word
  420. VIDEO: Antifa Shoves Elderly Man to Ground at Free Speech Rally
  421. Twitter and Facebook have 'power to censor the entire world'
  422. VIDEO: Facebook and Twitter caught censoring same story
  423. VIDEO: Attorney for student bullied by teacher for conservative views joins 'Tucker'
  424. Twitter Backtracks on ‘Hacked Materials’ Policy, Admits Blocking Links Is ‘Wrong’
  425. Fact Check’ Arbiter Poynter Institute Blasts Facebook, Twitter for Censoring Biden Bombshells
  426. Greenwald: Facebook and Twitter ‘United’ to Defend Their ‘Preferred Candidate’
  427. Twitter Tilting Elections by Censoring Info While Partnering with Left-Financed Voting Groups
  428. VIDEO: Hawley: Why Are Facebook, Twitter ‘Doing the Bidding of the Biden Campaign?’
  429. Senate Judiciary Committee Will Subpoena Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over NY Post Censorship
  430. Wikipedia Editors Censor Hunter Biden Bombshell, Call New York Post ‘Unreliable’ Source
  431. Twitter Locks Sebastian Gorka’s Account, Demands Removal of Tweet About Hunter Biden
  432. Facebook and Twitter Censor Biden Bombshells Weeks After Execs Join His Transition Team
  433. Twitter: Eric Trump ‘Ukraine Scandal’ Hashtag Trends While Biden Stories Muzzled
  434. Twitter Locks Trump Campaign Account Less than 3 Weeks Before Presidential Election
  435. Twitter Censors Second New York Post Bombshell Story About Hunter Biden
  436. Twitter Locks Jack Posobiec Out of Account over Hunter Biden Meme
  437. VIDEO: Big Tech ‘Crossed a Line That Is Very Dangerous’ with Censorship on Biden-NY Post Story
  438. Sen. Kelly Loeffler: ‘Enough is Enough’ on Big Tech Censorship
  439. Jim Jordan Posts Hunter Biden-Burisma Story after Twitter Censors House Judiciary GOP
  440. Police chief reportedly forced to retire after wife praises Trump in Facebook comments
  441. They have a gun to my head’: Kayleigh McEnany claims she’s been ‘permanently' banned from Twitter for sharing Biden story
  442. Twitter Won’t Label Manipulated Video Posted by Joe Biden as ‘Manipulated Media’
  443. Twitter censors Trump tweet saying he's immune from COVID-19
  444. Facebook instantly censors bombshell Biden story
  445. Browser that Helped Chinese Overcome ‘Great Firewall’ Disappears from App Stores
  446. Twitter is censoring #Obamagate and #Russiagate hashtags 
  447. Wikipedia Forbids User Profiles Expressing Opposition to Gay Marriage
  448. Study shows 'free speech environment at Syracuse has been deteriorating for years'
  449. Facebook Censors Mark Levin After ‘Third Party Fact Check’
  450. University of South Carolina coach under fire for calling BLM 'shameful,' saying 'I support the blue'
  451. Facebook to Reject Political Ads that Question Election, Voting Methods
  452. American Cyclist Quinn Simmons Suspended over Pro-Trump Tweet
  453. Swedish Expert Tells Govt to Crack Down Even Harder on Hate Speech and Misinformation
  454. VIDEO: Facebook Removes Trump Campaign Ad
  455. Shock poll: Most students OPPOSE allowing campus speakers on controversial topics
  456. Christian minister silenced after Muslims disrupt famed 'home of free speech' (He proved the Koran was MAN-MADE and they shut him down)
  457. VIDEO: Teacher Threatens to Kick Student Out of Virtual Class for Trump 2020 Flag
  458. VIDEO: Teacher Threatens to Kick Student Out of Virtual Class for Trump 2020 Flag
  459. Report: DOJ Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google Focuses on Search Engine Monopoly
  460. San Francisco State U. President Defends Speaking Invitation to Terrorist (They censor Christians and Allow Muslims)
  461. YouTube Joins List of Silicon Valley Platforms Labeling ‘Misinformation’ About Mail-In Voting (The truth about mail-in voting is being censored)
  462. Facebook throttles official Tucker Carlson page with 'reduced distribution' 40 days before election
  463. Thin Blue Line flag banned from football field after team runs on field with it
  464. Bokhari: Big Tech Prepares the Public for a Rigged Election
  465. Matt Gaetz: ‘Congress Not Going to Rein in Big Tech, Congress Owned by Big Tech
  466. Facebook Says It Will Restrict Posting if Elections Cause ‘Unrest’
  467. RealClearPolitics: Google Suppresses Conservative Media in Search Results
  468. VIDEO: 4 Times ‘#DELETED’ Author Allum Bokhari Exposed Big Tech
  469. Google pushes conservative news sites far down search lists
  470. Job Creators Network Hammers YouTube for Censoring Its Video Depicting Recent Riots
  471. VIDEO: Media scolded for refusing to talk about Middle East peace deals
  472. Kroger sued after allegedly firing employees for not wearing rainbow insignia
  473. TikTok and WeChat will be banned from US app stores on Sunday
  474. Carolina Panthers Spanish-Speaking Announcer Forced To Quit Over Support For Trump
  475. YouTube censors White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Scott Atlas
  476. Football players suspended for carrying flags supporting police and firefighters before game
  477. Public university fires journalism professor for accurately quoting its own loss in court
  478. Big Tech Company Reconsiders Relying on the SPLC After Hearing About Scandals, Terror Attack
  479. GOP lawmaker fights university, defends student journalist being canceled for telling truth
  480. YouTube Censors Video of Trump Coronavirus Adviser for Contradicting W.H.O.
  481. Google Will Block Some Search Suggestions to Fight ‘Election Misinformation’
  482. Big Tech shuts down online conservative prayer gathering (THIS is why we do NOT use public Conference servers!)
  483. Google & Twitter Insider: Algorithms Could Censor Entire Trump Movement Simultaneously
  484. WSJ Editorial: Facebook Is Wrong to Censor Defense of Kyle Rittenhouse
  485. VIDEO: MUST SEE: ‘Google Whistleblower’ Zach Vorhies - Prediction of Next 3 Months 2020 (The Video that Got them Censored)
  486. Report: DOJ to File Antitrust Charges Against Google in the Coming Weeks
  487. Facebook Theatens to Block Australians from Sharing News if Forced to Pay Media Companies
  488. Twitter Locks Account of Kyle Rittenhouse’s Attorney, John Pierce
  489. Co-op Pulls Ads from Spectator for Alleged ‘Anti-Muslim Propaganda’, Transphobia
  490. VIDEO: School cuts Bible verses out of planners donated by church
  491. Twitter Removes Video from Trump Tweet over Copyright Complaint
  492. Google Insider: Bombshell Book ‘Deleted’ Will ‘Shake the Foundations of Silicon Valley’
  493. Mob presses Dem senator into deleting tweet that said looting is 'bad'
  494. 'Shrouded in obscurity': AT&T asks feds to crack down on Big Tech like Facebook
  495. Undercover Watchdog Journalism Is Illegal In Oregon Lawsuit Seeks To Change Unconstitutional And Draconian Law
  496. Twitter ‘Mistakenly’ Suspends Young Conservatives of Texas for Two Days
  497. Report: Belarus Flies in Russian Crews to Take Over State Media
  498. Facebook, Twitter scrubbed posts of hundreds of conservative users
  499. Law-review author finds article changed to appease transgenders
  500. Iran Shuts Down Newspaper for Questioning Official Coronavirus Data
  501. YouTube (aka Google) Will Ban Videos that Could ‘Interfere with the Election
  502. Facebook Censored 100+ Million Coronavirus ‘Misinformation’ Posts in 3 Months
  503. Hong Kong: Swarm of 200 Police Raid Anti-Communist Newspaper
  504. Sen. Ron Johnson: Suppressing Breitbart News Is Part of Google’s Electioneering for Democrats
  505. Free speech on Facebook threatens 'climate-change extremists'
  506. For Better or Worse, the Dream of a Truly Global, Open Internet Is Dead
  507. Prince Harry and Meghan Lobby for Global Change, Damn Social Media ‘Crisis of Hate’
  508. 6th Mexican Journalist Dies in 2020
  509. Google Suppression of Political News Critical of Democrats Is Election Interference
  510. Facebook bans pro-Trump super PAC from advertising on its platform
  511. Student faces punishment for Trump image during Zoom class
  512. China Bans Cell Phones in Granaries after Video Shows Moldy Corn
  513. 'Black Lives Matter' is fine on street, but 'Black Preborn Lives Matter' gets you arrested
  514. Lawmaker calls teaching history 'miseducation' and demands halt
  515. Stunning number of Americans say news bias is 'a major problem'
  516. Washington Post has yet to report Bill Clinton visited Epstein's 'Pedophile Island'
  517. Poll: Most Black Americans Want Police to Remain in Their Areas (But main SCREAM media won't speak of it)
  518. VIDEO: WATCH: D.C. Police Arrest Two Students Chalking ‘Black Preborn Lives Matter’ in Front of Planned Parenthood
  519. Pollak: Big Tech Censorship is the IRS Scandal of 2020
  520. Election Interference: McCarthy Warns Google Using ‘Tremendous Amount of Power’ to ‘Influence What People Think or See’
  521. VIDEO: Sarah Sanders says Big Tech needs to 'stop playing God' with free speech
  522. Twitter Censors Tim Tebow’s Religious Tweet, Calls it an ‘Error’
  523. Breitbart News Appeals Twitter Account Suspension, ‘Review’ Drags Out Beyond 48 Hours
  524. Rush Limbaugh: Google ‘Essentially Trying to Erase Breitbart’
  525. NJ Teen Says TikTok Censored Post Condemning China’s Concentration Camps
  526. Dem publisher won't post notice of pro-life event
  527. 'I was stabbed for being a conservative journalist'
  528. Big Tech censors debate on hydroxychloroquine
  529. Breitbart Still Suspended From Twitter After Viral HCQ Video; Doctor Gets Axe Over Involvement
  530. Israel outraged after Twitter OKs Iranian calls to annihilate Jewish state
  531. Dr. Simone Gold: Squarespace Shuts Down America’s Frontline Doctors Website
  532. Election Interference: Google Purges Breitbart from Search Results
  533. Pollak: Big Tech, Establishment Media Crush Free Speech Through a Form of Prior Restraint
  534. Stephen Miller: ‘Cancel Culture’ Seeks to Silence Majority
  535. Facebook bans posts promoting gay 'conversion therapy'
  536. Nolte: California City Chooses No Speech over MAGA Speech
  537. Michigan Teacher: I Was Fired After Saying ‘Trump Is Our President’
  538. Twitter Blacklists 7,000 ‘QAnon’ Accounts, Limits 150,000 Others
  539. Twitter bans Star of David images as 'hateful'
  540. Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile Shut Down Trump Campaign Texting Program
  541. VIDEO: Sen. Merkley Says Bill Will Stop ‘Peaceful Protester’ Arrests
  542. Juniata College calls cops on student for sending email that mocked diversity demands
  543. University punishes student for Instagram image memorializing Tiananmen
  544. Book blowing the whistle on 'China Virus' banned by Amazon
  545. VIDEO: Audit exposes how Facebook polices speech
  546. Researchers who found no anti-black police bias withdraw paper
  547. Army document calling MAGA 'hate speech' also warned of 'weaponized whiteness'
  548. Ricky Gervais: 'If you're mildly conservative on Twitter people call you Hitler'
  549. Lawsuit contends Google, social media have no right to censor
  550. Hong Kong Forced to Delete Movies, TV Shows, Books That ‘Threaten’ China
  551. British Universities Comply with Chinese Internet Censorship
  552. VIDEO: Young Americans willing to give up 1st Amendment rights to avoid offending (Just more Proof Govt Schools Brainwash YOUR kids)
  553. National Scrabble Association bans up to 226 words that might be offensive
  554. In echo of Mao era, China's schools in book-cleansing drive
  555. GOP demands Twitter's Jack Dorsey explain his censorship
  556. Leftists Condemn Arch-leftist Noam Chomsky for Defending Free Speech
  557. Wikipedia ‘Censors’ Medical Articles for Drug Industry
  558. How 'elementary truth' is verboten for BLM
  559. Radio Host Suspended for Denying He Had ‘White Privilege’ Reinstated
  560. Boeing Executive Resigns Over 1987 Op-Ed Opposing Women in Combat
  561. Roman Catholic Joe Biden Demands Facebook Censor Trump: ‘The Time for Action Is Now 
  562. BBC Reports on Facebook as Arbiter of Policing ’Fake News’ (What they claim is fake news is actually real news exposing their fake news)
  563. Facebook to Ban Anti-Government ‘Boogaloo’ Groups
  564. Iran to Execute Journalist for Reporting Extent of Economic Collapse
  565. YouTube shuts down far-right channels over 'hate speech'
  566. Walmart will stop selling 'All Lives Matter' merchandise
  567. Environmentalist issues climate-scare apology, then major magazine yanks the article
  568. ANOTHER Facebook Whistleblower: Interference ‘On a Global Level in Elections’
  569. Twitter Censors President Trump (Again) over Warning to Lawless Agitators
  570. VIDEO: 'If someone is wearing MAGA hat I'm going to delete them for terror'
  571. VIDEO: Media Mislead as Visa Worker CEOs Cut Tucker Carlson’s TV Ads
  572. Only 1 of the Top 100 Universities Featured a Conservative Graduation Speaker This Spring
  573. Amazon Blocks Publisher from Advertising Book Questioning Transgender ‘Craze’ Among Girls
  574. VIDEO: YouTube censors 3-hour video over 6 words about transgenderism
  575. Facebook’s Excuse to Censor Trump, a Red Triangle, Has Long History as Antifa Symbol
  576. Project Veritas: Facebook Has a Secretive ‘Diversity Board’ That Is ‘Need-To-Know’ Within Company
  577. Facebook’s Fact-Checker ‘Lead Stories’ is Staffed by Exclusively Democrat Party Donors, CNN Staffers, And ‘Defeat Trump’ Activists
  578. Journalist at NBC who attempted to get Google to defund The Federalist identified
  579. VIDEO: Google tries to censor content it disagrees with
  580. Chinese Activists Face Criminal Charges for Posting Censored Articles
  581. NBC News Reporter Thanks Foreign Groups for ‘Collaboration’ in Pushing Google to ‘Defund’ The Federalist
  582. You Have Left-Wing Thought Police in the NY Times Newsroom, Twitter, Throughout Journalism
  583. Report: Google Financially Blacklists ZeroHedge, Threatens the Federalist over Comment Sections
  584. Foreign Interference: UK Govt-Linked Group Attempts to Ban Conservative Websites from Google Ads
  585. Zoom just totally caved in to China on censorship
  586. YouTube Announces $100 Million Fund for Black Producers (While at the same time CENSORING Christians)
  587. Facebook stunner: 'Dead cops' page allowed, but concerned moms banned
  588. Liberal prof: Free speech taking serious hits from George Floyd case
  589. Zoom Censored Pro-Democracy Activists in America at China’s Request
  590. Twitter’s Attempt to ‘Fact-Check’ Coronavirus 5G Conspiracies Backfires
  591. Facebook shuts down 500 Mom Strong for speaking out against Drag Queen Story Hour
  592. GoFundMe shut down Candace Owens' account for attacking George Floyd's character, saying she spread 'falsehoods against the black community'
  593. Facebook Blacklists Georgia Candidate’s Warning to ANTIFA After 2 Million Views
  594. VIDEO: Twitter Removes Trump Campaign’s Tribute Video to George Floyd
  595. Under Fire, Amazon Reverses Decision to Ban Former NYT Reporter’s Book on Coronavirus
  596. VIDEO: Walmart refuses to sell film on threat to free speech in America
  597. VIDEO: Donald Trump Signs Exec Order to Curb Big Tech’s ‘Unchecked Power
  598. Twitter Censors Official White House Account
  599. YouTube is deleting comments with 2 phrases that insult China's Communist Party
  600. Google removes millions of negative TikTok reviews amid backlash in India
  601. Conservative nonprofit PragerU accused of 'false information,' gets throttled by Facebook
  602. Trump threatens to 'close' down social media platforms after Twitter fact checks claims on mail-in voting fraud
  603. VIDEO: MSNBC’s Stengel: ‘The First Amendment Doesn’t Protect False Speech about a Virus’ (Actually, That's EXACTLY what the 1st Amendment allows for - Truth is, what he calls "false" is actually confirmed as FACT)
  604. Facebook Evicts PragerU from Normal Public Visibility, Claiming ‘Repeated Sharing of False News’
  605. VIDEO: YouTube Censors INSIDE Christan Channels
  606. Hate' crime plan so bad both Christians and atheists oppose it
  607. YouTube censors epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for opposing lockdown
  608. Facebook's evidence-free 'false' rating'
  609. VIDEO: Facebook announces $100,000 project to detect 'hateful memes'
  610. Campus officials may use COVID-19 as cover for restricting free speech
  611. Republican Set to Lobby for Big Tech’s Right to Censor Conservatives
  612. Facebook Blacklists Michigan Lockdown Protest Group
  613. HYPOCRITES Facebook-Backed Advocacy Group Will Spread Message that Big Tech Is ‘Essential’ to Free Speech
  614. Is Twitter suppressing the hot new #ObamaGate hashtag?
  615. VIDEO: NBC admits Chuck Todd's 'Meet the Press' deceptively edited Barr remarks on Flynn
  616. Big Tech Censors ‘Plandemic’ Video
  617. VIDEO: Doctor: Our voices are being silenced by media and 'experts'
  618. YouTube censors video criticizing Fauci and coronavirus response
  619. European Union lets China censor coronavirus comment
  620. Facebook yanks accounts linked to QAnon conspiracy theory
  621. AP Admits Not Reporting, Deleting Tara Reade 2019 Interview Detailing Charges Against Roman Catholic Joe Biden
  622. VIDEO: Tucker: Big Tech censors dissent over coronavirus lockdowns
  623. YouTube takes down bio-tech firm's video explaining potential UV light treatment for coronavirus patients
  624. Facebook helping colleges 'preemptively' censor speech
  625. 1993 CNN Clip of Biden Accuser’s Mother Calling Larry King Vanishes from Google Play Catalog
  626. 77% of Universities Use Facebook’s Secret Social Media Blacklists to Censor the Public
  627. Army Chaplains’ Coronavirus Prayer Videos Pulled from Facebook After Group Complains
  628. Facebook Deletes Event Page for Friday’s Wisconsin Capitol Protest
  629. Dems to censure Michigan lawmaker who said Trump's boosting of hydroxychloroquine 'saved my life'
  630. California police toe governor's line, halt protests at (California) State Capitol
  631. Twitter Censors Another Joe Biden Meme, Locks Accounts that Posted It
  632. VIDEO: This was Deleted from YouTube
  633. VIDEO: Some lockdown lawmakers want to stamp out dissent
  634. Facebook using WHO to censor debate over virus
  635. Fordham University bans emails that ‘insult’ or ’embarrass’ people
  637. Coronavirus can be transmitted by talking, but how much does speech affect virus' spread?
  638. As citizens need 911 more than ever, police chief says use it to report hate speech
  639. VIDEO: YouTube deleted this video on 5G quickly
  640. Amazon Removes Mike Cernovich’s Documentary ‘Hoaxed’ from Prime Video
  641. Google owned YouTube BANNED another poGm Video
  642. YouTube BANS all Videos linking 5G to Coronavirus!
  643. Google Twitter Ban Ads that Mention Coronavirus
  644. YouTube Isn’t Bound by the First Amendment and Can Censor PragerU Videos: Appeals Court
  645. Twitter responds to coronavirus by banning jokes about it
  646. New York Post Journalist Censored on Twitter for Exposing Champagne Socialist Carlos Maza
  647. Facebook Censors Trump Campaign Ads, Claims ‘Census Interference’
  648. Lawsuit: Twitter Blacklisted Data Analyst Who Researched Fake Accounts
  649. Judge says cops violated free speech with ridiculous 'hate' claim
  650. 1st Amendment doesn't apply on YouTube – judges reject PragerU lawsuit (They are NOT a "private company" when they work with poltiical leaders)
  651. VIDEO: The viral video of a boy who was bullied for his dwarfism has been taken down
  652. VIDEO: YouTube BLOCKS SDR Church Stream in middle of Church Services
  653. Facebook ‘fact-checker’ wrongly labels LifeSite report ‘false’
  654. YouTube permanently bans TruNews channel that called Trump's impeachment a 'Jew coup'
  655. US bishop orders priest to delete blog criticizing Church’s sex abuse cover-up
  656. Forcing us to get consent before selling browser histories violates our free speech, US ISPs claim
  657. YouTube poGm POLL sent to 29,625 Subscribers only seen by 149 of them after TWO DAYS!
  658. VIDEO: Facebook censors abortion survivor interview for ‘spam,’ violating ‘community standards
  659. YouTube removes video of Rand Paul reading alleged whistleblower's name on Senate floor
  660. China cracks down on free speech after news of coronavirus leaks
  661. Here’s How China Is Silencing Coronavirus Critics in the U.S.
  662. Students have free speech on only .0015% of campus
  663. Google and YouTube Censors the Congressional Record
  664. Internet shutdowns are a means of government suppression
  665. How India, the World's Largest Democracy, Shuts Down the Internet
  666. Zuckerberg says Facebook's new approach 'is going to piss off a lot of people
  667. YouTube Censoring Christians
  668. Northwestern U. Student Government Refuses to Adopt Free Speech Bill
  669. U. of Tennessee Chattanooga Tells Turning Point USA It Needs ‘Reservation’ for Free Speech
  670. Facebook Cracks Down on Coronavirus ‘Conspiracy Theories’ that ‘Local Health Authorities’ Don’t Like
  671. Elizabeth Warren Vows to Push for Laws that Criminalize Spreading Election ‘Disinformation’
  672. YouTube just deleted another video AND banned my uploading and streaming for ONE WEEK
  673. Google Works with China – But Not the Pentagon
  674. 3 Billionaire Republican Families Are About to Buy the Dot-Org Domain. That's Terrifying Nonprofits
  675. VIDEO: How Internet Shutdowns Became a Weapon of Repression
  676. VIDEO: Pro-life individuals classified as “right wing extremists” by Canadian Forces
  677. Charter school to art teachers: Get rid of Bible reference
  678. Marine Corps censoring Christian message on complaint of anti-faith group
  679. Germany to Force Internet Providers to Hand Over Data, Passwords of People Accused of ‘Hate Speech’
  680. AUDIO: Professor calls free speech ‘racist
  681. Dartmouth refused to let an accused professor defend himself publicly. He committed suicide
  682. Court rejects university’s $17,500 ‘security fee’ levied on pro-life group to run campus event
  683. Media, Tech Self-Censorship over ‘Whistleblower’ Marks Death of Free Press in United States
  684. Blue State Blues: A Decade of Fake News
  685. Now California passes law threatening journalists' jobs
  686. VIDEO: Tucker Carlson clashes with conservative think tank Heritage Foundation over Big Tech
  687. Wikipedia Blacklists Epoch Times, Gateway Pundit for Russiagate Criticism
  688. Facebook Blacklists Ads Aimed at ‘Census Interference’
  689. YouTube releases new guidelines on ‘harassing, toxic’ speech and conservatives are alarmed
  690. American city's ban on criticism of Islam headed for Supreme review
  691. Justin Trudeau Wants ‘Significant Penalties’ for Social Media ‘Hate Speech’
  692. New poGm Video Site due to Google censoring my videos
  693. YouTube to Demonetize Channels Even if Videos ‘Don’t Cross Policy Line’
  694. Twitter Locks Accounts of Journalists Who Tweeted Saudi Terrorist’s Stated Motivations
  695. LifeSite Twitter locked over tweet about transgender man wanting to see OB/GYN
  696. Yikes. Nope. Denied': Leftist student president vetoes conservative club
  697. DNC Demands More Censorship by Facebook of ‘Misinformation’
  698. '60 Minutes:’ More Than 300 Ads by Trump Campaign Taken Down by Google and YouTube
  699. Law against criticizing Islam closer than you think, expert warns
  700. Twitter bans Project Veritas ads over old video exposing platform’s shadow-banning
  701. New investigation finds more evidence Google manually manipulates search results
  702. Student: School suspended me for ‘hate speech’ when I protested wearing LGBT rainbow poppy
  703. UC Berkeley Guest Speaker: It’s Time to ‘Change Our Interpretations’ of the First Amendment
  704. Judge bans business owners from stating Christian beliefs
  705. Vatican Promoted Greta Thunberg Calls on Facebook to Censor Her Critics
  706. VIDEO: 'No Safe Spaces' sees massive box office haul on just 1 screen, ahead of broader rollout
  707. 51% of Americans Think First Amendment Should be Rewritten
  708. VIDEO: About Free Speech - ‘No Safe Spaces’ Film Is ‘Wake-Up Call to the Greatest Crisis in American History Since Slavery’
  709. Thanks to FaceBook, A European Court Decision May Usher In Global Censorship
  710. Pastor Arrested for telling public truth about juries: State Supreme Court takes case
  711. VIDEO: Ted Cruz on China, NBA: ‘This Really Shows How China Tries to Use Economic Coercion’ to Force American Companies into Censorship (As expected, all this came about AFTER the Pope sent his Bishops to China)
  712. Kickstarter kicks conservative for bashing MS-13 gang
  713. Actress fired for posting Bible verse now suing
  714. VIDEO: Dr David Mackereth: 'We're being told to practise a lie'
  715. Global Censorship: Court Rules EU Govts Can Take Down Content Worldwide After Politician Insulted
  716. Bokhari: The New York Times Declares War on Free Speech
  717. VIDEO: Christian protesters blocked from marching up Yonge Street
  718. NYC BANS the term "Illegal Alien"
  719. NZ Professor: My Book on Free Speech Has Been Banned
  720. Any criticism of Islam or Muslims is forbidden today'
  721. VIDEO: Not a free speech platform: Facebook identifies itself as a ‘publisher,’ says they can censor
  722. Josh Hawley Challenges Zuckerberg to Address Censorship at Facebook
  723. Michael Bloomberg: Free Speech Is Under Attack on Campus
  724. Angel Mom’s Facebook Posts on Illegal Immigration Removed for ‘Hate Speech’
  725. VIDEO: ‘All of us are in danger’: John Pilger delivers warning from Julian Assange
  726. VIDEO: Dennis Prager challenges PG-13 rating for his documentary
  727. VIDEO: Grieving dad jailed for repeatedly criticizing court system in Macomb County
  728. YouTube Celebrates Censorship: Boasts 100,000 Videos Banned for ‘Hate Speech’ (poGm was one of them)
  729. U.S. Unleashes Military to Fight Fake News, Disinformation
  730. The roots of Twitter's shadowbanning operation
  731. VIDEO: Conservatives told to 'pack up and head on out' on public college campus
  732. Facebook Blacklists Ads from the Epoch Times
  733. Former FCC Bureau Chief: Masters of the Universe ‘Abused’ Section 230 to Censor Conservatives
  734. Google Censors Employees to Keep Itself Out of the Headlines
  735. YouTube has removed videos of robots fighting, citing “animal cruelty”
  736. Facebook nixes ‘women for Trump’ 2020 ads
  737. Conservatives to Google: Explain your censorship!
  738. VIDEO: Leaks reveal Google’s ‘blacklist’ for dozens of websites… SHOCKING!
  739. Hungary Announces Investigation into Social Media Censorship in Europe
  740. The Demise of Google’s Free Speech Movement
  741. Secret Emails Reveal what Google Workers thought before 2016 Election
  742. Beto O’Rourke: ‘Social Media’ Must Censor ‘Hate Speech’
  743. FBI Document Warns Conspiracy Theories Are A New Domestic Terrorism Threat
  744. New Whistleblower Allegation: YouTube Manipulated ‘Federal Reserve’ Search Results in Response to MSNBC Host’s Complaint
  745. Now even the word 'Christian' is too hot for YouTube
  746. Ban On 'Unwanted' Words Plagues Christians
  747. Boston Sued for Banning Christian Flag, Allowing 284 Others
  748. VIDEO: MUST SEE: ‘Killing Free Speech’ Documentary Exposes Far-Left Propaganda in Schools
  749. Amazon bans books by former gays, lesbians
  750. 2019 Campus Muzzle Awards: 5 worst censors of speech
  751. Student expelled from university for quoting Bible on Soical Media
  752. VIDEO: Florida Democrat says those 'making fun' of members of Congress online should be 'prosecuted'
  753. Law Professor: Recent SCOTUS Ruling Could Kill Campus Speech Codes
  754. WOW! Backup plan launched 'to force people of faith to abandon beliefs'
  755. Fake ‘Big Tech Critic’ Elizabeth Warren Calls for More Tech Censorship
  756. WARNING: Facebook to hand over data in prosecution of 'hate speech'
  757. Billionaires circle wagons to cripple free speech
  758. YouTube dumps video exposing parent company Google
  759. Google Censors Video Exposing Google
  760. Islam Joins with Rome to end Free Speech
  761. VIDEO: Project Veritas – Google Exec Decries Trump’s Election: ‘How Do We Prevent It from Happening Again’
  762. Teen Who Said There Are Two Genders Suspended from School
  763. HuffPo to Delete Jim Carrey, Jenny McCarthy, and Other Anti-Vaccine Posts
  764. Google Protecting Jussie Smollett From ‘Disparaging’ Searches
  765. University Hammered Over 'Orwellian' Move
  766. China Bans Websites, Shuts Down Social Media Accounts to ‘Rectify’ the Internet
  767. FIRE: Sex Jokes on Campus Could Land You in Jail Under Proposed Texas Law
  768. VIDEO: No Joke: Canada To Ban Christianity From Public And Criminalize It!!!
  769. Mike Cernovich: Google’s Internal Emails Will Reveal Hatred of Christians and Conservatives
  770. YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Apologizes to LGBT Community Following #VoxAdpocalypse (but keeps censoring Christians)
  771. VIDEO: Project Veritas: Whistleblower Says Pinterest Censored Top Pro-Life Site as ‘Pornography’
  772. Report: Google Runs ‘Blacklists’ Designed to Remove ‘Fringe Domains’ Like Breitbart News
  773. Will YouTube be censoring you too next?
  774. Sri Lanka to Punish ‘Fake News’ with Five Years in Prison
  775. FREE SPEECH ALERT! YouTube to Remove Thousands of Videos Pushing Extreme Views
  776. UW Tacoma Developing Software to Detect ‘Hate Speech’ on Social Media
  777. Twitter Bans Pro-Life Group Ads Unless Ultrasound Images Are Deleted
  778. VIDEO: ‘Totalitarian’: Cdl. Burke criticizes Vatican-backed universities’ ban on prof who accused pope of heresy
  779. VIDEO: Google engineer: 'Hostile environment' for conservative employees"
  780. Hate' Speech Ban Leaves 'Free Society Destroyed'
  781. Net Results: U.S. Advised On Free Speech Vs. Terror
  782. WHAT?! Police Want to Charge 1,100 Climate Activists for ‘Extinction Rebellion’ Disruption
  783. YouTube Censors Lauren Southern Documentary ‘Borderless’
  784. CrossFit Bails on Facebook’s Censorship by ‘Utopian Socialists’
  785. Paul Gosar Sounds Alarm on USMCA’s Language Codifying Big Tech Censorship
  786. VIDEO: Carl Benjamin: We Need a Digital Bill of Rights
  787. Mall sued for demanding $250 to hand out Gospel tract
  788. Disturbing number of (indoctrinated) students say hate speech is not free speech, report says
  789. Google's 'Top Stories' shows obvious left-wing bias, audit reveals
  790. Facebook Co-Founder Wants the Government to Regulate ‘Acceptable Speech’ Online
  791. James Woods Done with Twitter ‘Until Free Speech Is Allowed’
  792. VIDEO: Big tech has launched an attack on your rights
  793. VIDEO: Killing Christians doesn’t matter to corporate media
  794. Link-banning Is Facebook’s Terrifying New Censorship Tool
  795. Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer
  796. Poynter Institute Wants 515 Outlets Blacklisted, Including Breitbart News
  797. Blogger Suspended from Medium After Pro-Second Amendment Post
  798. Twitter Bans British Political Candidates Ahead of European Elections
  799. 'Censors of religious speech' – will prayer become a mockery?
  800. Swedish Teachers Stop Student Speech For Being Too Pro-Israel
  801. Parents Sue Elite School Claiming Son Was Expelled for Conservative Views
  802. VIDEO: Chase Bank shuts down 'alt-right' accounts  
  803. Today's court appearance marks a new chapter in London's response to street preachers
  804. VIDEO: Could a quote from religious text be considered hate speech on social media?
  805. VIDEO: Students at Baylor University try to shut down Matt Walsh's talk about Christian values
  806. YouTube Disables Comments on Livestream of House Judiciary Hate Crime Hearing
  807. Brad Parscale: AT&T ‘Sad’ for Forcing Removal of ‘Dark Knight’ Trump Supporter Video
  808. Report: Google Manually Manipulates Search Results to Exclude Conservative Sites
  809. America's anti-religious bigotry
  810. College President Argues Against Free Speech on Campus
  811. Speech Police: Top Cop Warns Pro-Brexit Politicians Not to ‘Inflame People’s Views’
  812. Twitter Blocks French Government’s Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign with France’s Fake News Law
  813. 91-Year-Old Swede Convicted for Criticizing Islam Online
  814. Journalist goes to jail for offending Muslims
  815. Intercept: Google Carrying Out Secret ‘Performance Review’ of Chinese ‘Project Dragonfly’
  816. 'Chaotic' copyright rules will kill internet, critics charge
  817. EU Copyright directive passes - 348 votes to 274 (the USA will soon follow their lead!)
  818. AMA PUSH BACK: VIDEO: Free Speech and Shutting Down the Vaccine Debate
  819. CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Hidden cameras show vandalism of conservative signs
  820. Media Silence Surrounds Muslim Massacre of Christians
  821. VIDEO: We're becoming an authoritarian society - and the group in charge is coming after Fox News
  822. Facebook Temporarily Bans Elizabeth Warren Ads Calling for Big Tech Breakup
  823. Nancy Pelosi’s Threat to Free Speech
  824. London Police Change Their Story on Arrest of Christian Street Preacher (See the arrest Video here
  825. Amazon’s modern day ‘book burning’ campaign against conservative authors
  826. Thanks to Flat Earthers, YouTube plans to CENSOR more videos! (we always knew Rome was behind it all. Proof? CLICK HERE)
  827. Trump Announces Executive Order On Campus Free Speech
  828. Berkeley scientists developing artificial intelligence tool to combat ‘hate speech’ on social media
  829. Millions of Ugandans quit internet services as social media tax takes effect
  830. Paypal admits using SPLC to ban conservatives
  831. Financial Blacklisting: Chase Bank Withdraws Service from Independent and Conservative Figures
  832. Now you can't even TALK about guns?
  833. Facebook stifles news on Jussie Smollett hate hoax
  834. New Jersey imam: Muslims should reject freedom of speech, religion, press
  835. The existential threat Google-Facebook represent to America
  836. Christian university cancels Ben Shapiro over 'rhetoric'
  837. Students: Being 'inclusive' better than free speech
  838. Nolte: Blacklisters at Microsoft’s NewsGuard Label Proven Hoaxes ‘Credible’
  839. Nolte: Fox News Promotes Microsoft’s NewsGuard Blacklist as ‘Good Idea’
  840. Corporate-boycott war on pro-life movies
  841. YouTube Admits It Meddled with Abortion Search Results – But Calls Downranked Videos ‘Misinformation
  842. Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin Abandon Patreon in Protest of Censorship
  843. VIDEOS: Watch the Pro-Life YouTube Videos Google Doesn’t Want You to See
  844. THE SMOKING GUN’: Google Manipulated YouTube Search Results
  845. LEAK: ‘Huge Teams’ Engaged in Manual Interventions on Google Search Results
  846. Twitter-banned radio host: Liberals love 'free speech' they agree with
  847. NYT Slams Netflix’s ‘Cowardice’ for Pulling ‘Patriot Act’ Episode in Saudi Arabia
  848. PayPal Blacklists Popular Cybersecurity News Website ‘The Hacker News’ Without Reason
  849. Major U.S. county pays up for censoring 'anti-Muslim' ads 
  850. Google Blocks Gateway Pundit from News Search Results 
  851. University sued for being 'assembly line for 1 type of thought' 
  852. 8 states blast Phoenix attack on artists' speech 
  853. Gonzaga University denies Ben Shapiro speaking request
  854. YouTube censors video exposing anti-Semitism
  855. Paris Dennard: CNN ‘Kept Me Off of Any Other Network’ Through Midterms
  856. 1st Amendment invalid on 9 of 10 college campuses
  857. Infamous university bans the word 'covenant,' citing 'cultural genocide'
  858. Free-speech precedent gives new power to lawyers
  859. Google, Facebook, Amazon push central control
  860. Technology brings freedom ... and tyranny
  861. Google: Should we bury conservative media?
  862. Google Engineer Advocates Burying Breitbart, Conservative Sites to ‘Reverse Things’ in 2020
  863. Google pulls gender pronouns from Gmail Smart Compose to reduce bias
  864. How to Fight the Death of Free Speech on Campus
  865. Poll: Americans Turn on the Social Media Masters of the Universe
  866. Facebook Blames Human Nature for the Need to Shadowban (what THEY claim is) ‘Sensationalist and Provocative’ Content
  867. How Google is stealing our liberty
  868. Paypal stops handling payments for Tommy Robinson
  869. Donald Trump Willing to Work with Democrats to Regulate Social Media
  870. Prayers at graduation land colleges in hot water
  871. Leftist prof attacked for promoting free speech
  872. Google Chrome will block all ads on consistently deceptive websites
  873. VIDEO: Google Refuses Tennessee Republican Party Ad Buy for YouTube Video Supporting Marsha Blackburn for Senate
  874. Park service asked to knock down speech limits at National Mall
  875. Free Speech Platform Gab Blacklisted by Web Host, Payment Processors
  876. Twitter Banned Conservatives Who Would Be Covered by the Farrakhan ‘Termite’ Loophole
  877. VIDEO: Are you really free to say what you think?
  878. Bokhari: In ‘The Good Censor,’ Google Admitted to Censorship — And The Media Ignored It
  879. VIDEO: Imam: Facebook REMOVED his page for exposing Islam's violence but ALLOWED Islamic terrorist pages to stay online
  880. FINALLY: Silicon Valley's attack on conservatives now in Congressional Record
  881. 10 Facts About Google’s Censored ‘Project Dragonfly’ Chinese Search Engine
  882. Christie-Lee McNally: Google Does Not ‘Worry About Legislation’ Because They ‘Bought’ Congress
  883. VIDEO: Google ‘Admits They’re Moving Towards Censorship’
  884. VIDEO: JESUS CHRIST IS CENSORED - AI Google, Alexa, Siri Who Is Jesus
  885. VIDEO: ‘THE GOOD CENSOR’: Leaked Google Briefing Admits Abandonment of Free Speech for ‘Safety And Civility’
  886. Switzerland votes overwhelmingly to jail citizens for ‘homophobia,’ ‘transphobia’
  887. VIDEO: ‘THE GOOD CENSOR’: Leaked Google Briefing Admits Abandonment of Free Speech for ‘Safety And Civility’
  888. Google Calls Search Engine Bias a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ – It’s Not
  889. THE GOOD CENSOR: Leaked Briefing Says Google Must Move Away from ‘American Tradition’ of Free Speech to Expand Globally, Attract Advertiser $$$
  890. THE GOOD CENSOR: Tech Companies Should ‘Police Tone’, Give Users ‘Positive Guidelines’
  891. VIDEO: Left-wing activists get most benefit from Google traffic
  892. Free Speech Platform Gab Flies ‘Investigate Twitter’ Banner over Company’s HQ
  893. Google Testifies It Is ‘Not Close’ to Launching Censored Chinese Search App
  894. Court does abortionist's bidding – censors pro-life activist
  895. Social-media censorship becomes civil-rights fight
  896. Student Editor Fired for ‘Transphobia’ After ‘Women Don’t Have Penises’ Tweet
  897. Free speech isn't free any more
  898. Twitter bans ads with term 'illegal alien'
  899. Google: Appeasing China, subverting America
  900. White House free-speech petition gets 100,000 signatures – in 3 days
  901. Egypt President Approves Social Media Crackdown, Internet Control
  902. CNN Boosts Left-Wing Campaign to Censor Breitbart; Approves ‘Blacklisting’
  903. Over 100 European Journalists Sign Letter Accusing Google, Facebook of Stealing News
  904. Media Network Launches on Facebook, Doesn’t Want ‘Pro-Trump’ Viewers
  905. Study affirms Google search results lean left
  906. 'Facecrook': New website invites users to document censorship
  907. Twitter CEO to face Congress after GOP lawmakers censored
  908. CNN demands censorship, then calls it 'conspiracy theory'
  909. VIDEO: The Dark, Ugly Truth About Google AND Facebook Is Oozing Out
  910. VIDEO: Google-facebook 'Can Shift 12 Million Votes This Election'
  911. Facebook Censors NY Post Article on Why Trump Supporters Will Vote for Him in 2020
  912. YouTube Cuts Off Conservative News Org’s Ad Revenue Without Explanation
  913. The shocking Soros 'Speech Code Cartel' memo
  914. Memo reveals Soros-funded social-media censorship plan
  915. Bokhari: This Is What ‘Election Interference’ Actually Looks Like
  916. VIDEO: Gidley: ‘Don’t Know’ if We’ll See Legislation on Social Media Censorship – That’s ‘Question for Congress’
  917. VIDEO: Stossel: I Don’t Want YouTube To Censor People, But ‘That Would Be Their Right’
  918. Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale: Big Tech Is ‘Stifling’ Free Speech
  919. Midterm Meddling: Twitter Follows Facebook, Blacklists GOP Candidate’s Family Story
  920. Facebook Bans Jewish-Australian Military Veteran Avi Yemini for ‘Hate Speech’
  921. Shopify CEO: Free speech 'unworkable,'
  922. De Blasio lets security haul away Post reporter for asking question
  923. Google, Facebook and the wild future of the Internet
  924. Delingpole: Now YouTube Is Adding ‘Fact Checks’ to Videos that Question ‘Climate Change’
  925. President Trump: Google must be stopped!
  926. VIDEO: Big tech and the new corporate censorship
  927. Former ACLU chief: Stop banning speech!
  928. Survival of our democracy depends on' banning sites
  929. 43% of Republicans want to give Trump power to shut down media
  930. "Don't Be Evil, Unless It's Worth Untold New Riches": Whistleblower Reveals Google Plan to Launch Censored Search Engine in China
  931. California Judge Rules Twitter CAN Be Sued for Falsely Advertising Free Speech
  932. Report: Google’s Plan to Launch Censored Search Engine in China Revealed
  933. Daily Mail’s David Martosko Demands White House ‘Discourage’ Free Speech
  934. Has the First Amendment been abolished?
  935. Help us fight back against the Google-Facebook machine
  936. VIDEO: WATCH: Gab CEO Andrew Torba Demonstrates Twitter Shadowbanning in Action
  937. VIDEO: Facebook admits to blocking pro-gun campaign ad
  938. Russia now going after free speech
  939. Unmasked: Matt Rivitz, Founder of Sleeping Giants, Behind Anti-Breitbart, Laura Ingraham Social Media Mobs
  940. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter face Hill grill on political bias
  941. VIDEO: Free Speech Is Dead’ – Police in Khan’s London BAN Pro-Trump Rally at U.S. Embassy
  942. YouTube to Fund Handpicked ‘Authoritative News Sources’ and Push Them on Users
  943. Amazon reinstates Christian top-500 reviewer's 'biased' posts
  944. Facebook Apologizes for Censoring Declaration of Independence as ‘Hate Speech’
  945. Pew Poll: Majority of Americans Think Social Media Sites ‘Somewhat’ Censor Political Views
  946. Tech giants gather for secret summit
  947. California Judge Rules Twitter CAN Be Sued for Falsely Advertising Free Speech
  948. Today's internet not 'sustainable,' experts warn
  949. VIDEO: Criticize 'child abuse' on Facebook, get banned for 'hate speech'
  950. Facebook to Meet with GOP Officials to Discuss Censorship of Conservatives
  951. N.Y. Times chief turns up heat on social-media algorithms
  952. Amazon's censorship 'masquerading as commerce'?
  953. Germany planning to pull all "right" TV Talk Shows
  954. Google-Facebook and the war on 1st Amendment
  955. VIDEO: House Majority Leader McCarthy: ‘Conservative Christians Are Being Silenced’ in Corporate America Mainstream Media
  956. Is this beginning of the end of free press?
  957. Google, Facebook's new policy benefits pro-abortion side ahead of Irish vote, critics say
  958. Sen. Cruz chides media for ignoring pro-gun student survivors
  959. Some U.S. websites go dark across Europe
  960. Trump camp, RNC demand tech giants come clean on censorship
  961. Key Brexit leader charges Facebook with 'doctoring' news
  962. Amazon dumps conservative sites
  963. Kevin McCarthy: ‘No Conservative Group Is Safe’ from Social Media Censorship
  964. YouTube Tests New Subscription Algorithm that Could Bury Creators They Don’t Like
  965. Brad Parscale, RNC Send Letter to Facebook and Twitter Demanding Transparency on Censorship
  966. Facebook details policing for sex, terror, hate content
  967. Facebook Removed 2.5 MILLION Pieces of ‘Hate Speech’ in Just Three Months
  968. Google-Facebook restrict ads on Ireland abortion vote
  969. LOL Berkeley Report on Free Speech Blames Conservatives for Campus Unrest
  970. Google and Facebook Censor Abortion Referendum Ads in Ireland
  971. Web giants need to explain censorship, coalition urges
  972. Socialist leaning Calfornia to Create “Ministry Of Truth” To Censor Alternative Media
  973. Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook Will ‘Dial Up the Intensity’ of News ‘Suppression’ Leading Up to Midterm Elections
  974. DIRECTLY AFTER 'TALKS' BEGIN WITH POPE China Passes Secular Blasphemy Law to ‘Protect the Reputation of (Communist) Martyrs
  975. Facebook Is Now Ranking News Organizations Based on ‘Trustworthiness’
  976. Danish citizen is first person convicted under Malaysian anti-fake news law, jailed 1 week, fined RM10,000
  977. Rep. Marsha Blackburn on Facebook, Google Censorship: Free Speech Is Endangered in America
  978. British Police Threaten ‘Action’ Against Supporters of Alfie Evans on Social Media
  979. Research: Google Search Manipulation Can Swing Nearly 80 Percent of Undecided Voters
  980. VIDEO: This California State Assembly bill would BAN the Bible!
  981. Google rejects Christian publisher over 'faith we express'
  982. Pew: Americans Favor Freedom of Information over Protection from ‘Fake News’ (Will it matter? Naaaah!)
  983. VIDEO: This California State Assembly bill would BAN the Bible!
  984. VIDEO: Report reveals how tech giants censor conservative speech
  985. Conservative movement faces existential threat from tech, study shows
  986. Global Islam Body Demands Europe Ban Religious Hate Speech
  987. New California Bill Would Eliminate Free Speech, Require "Online Fact Checkers"
  988. VIDEO: US Homeland Security wants to track journalists & analyze media ‘sentiment’
  989. "it's a free speech killer" Bill requires state 'fact-checkers' to approve news before it's published
  990. Establishment Media Soaring on Facebook, Conservative Media in Decline Following Algorithm Change
  991. Facebook, Google Censorship: ‘Conservatism Itself Is at Stake’
  992. We Are All in Danger’ of Internet Censorship
  993. Ann Coulter on Masters of the Universe Controlling Speech: ‘It Is Actual Censorship and It Is Terrifying’
  994. Epstein at Masters of the Universe Town Hall: ‘Google Favored Search Results for Clinton Over Trump’
  995. VIDEO: Epstein at Masters of the Universe Town Hall: Everything that Goes Through Gmail Is Monitored by Google
  996. ***Live Updates*** Breitbart News Town Hall: ‘Masters of the Universe’: Big Tech vs. Free Speech and Privacy
  997. Masters of the Universe Town Hall Preview: Robert Epstein Asks ‘Who Made Google the Guardian of the Internet?’
  998. Cops interrogate mom for social media comment
  999. 5 Things You Need to Know About Fake Net Neutrality
  1000. Google-Facebook control of speech is threat to nation
  1001. AUDIO: Peter Schweizer on the Masters of the Universe: ‘Google Is Editing What People See and Don’t See’
  1002. Google wins 1, loses 1 in major court rulings
  1003. Twitter Keeps Censoring Pro-Lifers
  1004. VIDEO: Facebook changes devastating for conservative media
  1005. YouTube Bans All Gun Demonstration Videos
  1006. The YouTube server in the United Kingdom has placed my website in their "adult filter" claiming the Bible "contains content that isn't suitable for under 18s"
  1007. Google owned YouTube Deleted ANOTHER video about Pope & Islam claiming the Bible I used is HATE SPEECH! (See what visitors now see when clicking my video!)
  1008. France Proposes Criminals Monitor Online Hate Speech as Part of Community Service
  1009. YouTube blocking my video claiming a Bible sermon is "inapproriate!"
  1010. Never before have so few controlled so much debate
  1011. Big Brother: YouTube to Fact-Check ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Videos with (unreliable) Wikipedia
  1012. Twitter, YouTube Suspend Steven Crowder over ‘Hateful Conduct’ at South by Southwest Festival
  1013. Western Journal: Facebook’s Algorithm Change Disproportionately Hits Conservative Sites
  1014. London's mayor bashes free speech
  1015. Health Ranger announces Real.Video as “the answer to YouTube censorship” … bypass tyranny and censorship with p2p file sharing
  1016. University says prof doesn't have free-speech rights
  1017. Belgium sexism law: Man who insulted officer first to be convicted
  1018. 'Disgusting!' Twitter allows anti-Jew hate, shuts down conservative speech
  1019. VIDEO: Masked Antifa Attack Student Free Speech Event, Injure and Vandalise
  1020. 'Free speech issue of our time': Tech giants trigger conservative revolt
  1021. Report: Facebook Algorithm Change Hits Fox, Breitbart, Conservative Sites – CNN, New York Times Unaffected
  1022. YouTube,Twitter and Facebook May Soon Use ADL’s ‘Online Hate Index’ to Detect ‘Hate Speech’ on Platforms
  1023. Canadian professor under investigation for promoting free speech in class
  1024. VIDEO: The Purge: YouTube Mass-Censors Conservatives, New Right, Classical Liberals
  1025. 'Hate' group influencing YouTube? It's much worse!
  1026. YouTube Moves Towards Banning Conservative Vlogger for Correcting Parkland Shooting Conspiracy Theory
  1027. Report: Far-Left SPLC Helping YouTube Police Videos as Conservatives Increasingly Censored
  1028. China Bans ‘Re-Election,’ ‘I Don’t Agree’ from Social Media Following Xi Term Limit Repeal
  1029. VIDEO: YouTube is Shutting Down Conservative Criticism of CNN over Parkland Shooting
  1030. Famous Bible verse too sizzling for Facebook
  1031. Amazon, Apple, YouTube Urged to Cut Ties with NRATV
  1032. Free Speech Panel at CPAC Canceled
  1033. Social Media Censorship Panel at CPAC — James Damore, Harmeet Dhillon, Pamela Geller, James O’Keefe, Jim Hoft, Dan Gainor
  1034. VIDEO: YouTube Restricts PragerU’s Planned Parenthood Video, Then Reverses Course
  1035. Ex-prosecutor: Mueller indictments threaten Americans' speech
  1036. Turkey Sentences Six Journalists to Life in Prison for Alleged Ties to 2016 Coup
  1037. Soros Calls on EU to Regulate Social Media to Fight Populism
  1038. Exclusive: Leftist Google Employees Conspire To Undermine Breitbart’s Ad Revenue
  1039. Advertising Industry Calls on Tech Giants to Censor ‘Hate’ and ‘Fake News’
  1040. VIDEO: Facebook Head of News: ‘Not All News is Created Equal’
  1041. Man fined $1,265 for 'crime of opinion'
  1042. YouTube to Invest $5 Million in Efforts to ‘Counter Hate and Promote Tolerance
  1043. AT&T Calls for Legislation to Prevent Unfair Censorship on Google, Facebook
  1044. College 'free speech zones' take major hit from court
  1045. VIDEO: Twitter Bans ‘A Lot’ of Users for China, Otherwise Government Attacks Company
  1046. VIDEO: Napolitano to Trump: Don't put the Fourth Amendment at risk
  1047. VIDEO:Twitter Engineer Admits to Banning Accounts that Express Interest in God, Guns, and America
  1048. VIDEO: Project Veritas Video Shows Former Twitter Employees Discussing ‘Shadow Banning’ Users
  1049. VIDEO: UK To Jail Viewers Of "Far-Right Propaganda" Amber Rudd Terrorism
  1050. Regulate social media - just like other media
  1051. Students win 30th fight against speech limits
  1052. Bloomberg: 2018 Is ‘the Year of Censored Social Media’
  1053. Video of Jordan Peterson Denying Being White Supremacist Blocked by YouTube in Europe for ‘Incitement of Hatred’
  1054. Germany Will Begin Enforcing Hate Speech Laws on Social Media Sites
  1055. U.K. warns against copying U.S. on free speech
  1056. Facebook makes wrong censorship call almost 1/2 the time
  1057. Hayward: The State of Free Speech in 2017
  1058. Facebook Apologises for Censoring Video of Anti-Semitic Attack in Berlin
  1059. New reason to fear Google, Facebook
  1060. Arkansas State Students File Suit over ‘Free Speech Zone’ Policy
  1061. Tech giants' online censorship of Christians exposed
  1062. VIDEO: Goolag Archipelago: Google Sends Powerful Migrant Crisis Video by POLISH GOVERNMENT to ‘YouTube Jail’
  1063. University Shuts Down Pro-Life Display, Calling It “Harmful” and Issuing a “Trigger Warning”
  1064. Judge goes to court to regain free-speech rights
  1065. YouTube pulls plug on Bible videos
  1066. Sean Hannity Calls Media Matters a ‘Clear and Present Danger’ to Free Speech
  1067. California Judge Throws Out Abortion Notification Law on Free Speech Grounds
  1068. VIDEO: Muslims team with antifa to obliterate critics of 'religion of peace'
  1069. Facebook struggles to contain Russia narrative
  1070. PragerU Sues YouTube and Google over Alleged Censorship of Conservatives
  1071. Did feds just kill off local TV, radio stations?
  1072. VIDEO: YouTube insider confirms news videos rigged left
  1073. Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him
  1074. UK to Imprison People Who View ‘Far-Right Propaganda’ Online for Up to 15 Years
  1075. YouTube is cracking down on external links in videos
  1076. How Europe’s changes to copyright law will affect America
  1077. Berkeley Has ‘Come Full Circle on Free Speech and It’s Very Dangerous
  1078. Pope Francis says there are limits to freedom of expression
  1079. If you hand out a pamphlet, you could be arrested
  1080. Fox News pulled off air in Britain
  1081. VIDEO: India shut off the internet in an attempt to maintain order
  1082. Poll: 85 Percent Say Freedom of Speech More Important Than Not Offending Others
  1083. VIDEO: Democrat leader: Constitution prohibits 'alt-right venom'
  1084. Federal advertising 'blacklist' of websites includes far-right outlets
  1085. Swedish Anti-Mass Migration Podcasts Taken Down by Soundcloud for ‘Hate Speech’
  1086. Delingpole: Thomas Wictor Is the Latest Victim of Google Censorship
  1087. Facebook Deletes Thousands of Accounts Ahead of German National Election
  1088. Pamela Geller: Too Much Power over Free Speech in the Hands of a Small Number of Big Tech Companies
  1089. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe Issues Executive Order That Violates First Amendment
  1090. Free Speech Social Network ‘Gab’ Banned From Google Play Store
  1091. VIDEO: Google CENSORING their own Employees?!
  1092. HAPPENING IN USA: Alert: Fed Court Says Criticism of Islam Can Be Punished
  1093. Speech silenced 'under guise of not offending people'
  1094. U.S. Town bans residents from criticizing Mosque
  1095. Now Western media face wrath of Islamic blasphemy laws
  1096. From Rushdie to Geller: The Steady Erosion of Free Speech
  1097. VIDEO: Evergreen Student: ‘I’m Not Allowed To Speak Because I’m White’
  1098. New York Times: Critical Speech Is ‘Literally Violence,’
  1099. Left-wing smear group scorched as 'enemy of free speech
  1100. VIDEO: CNN Is Destroying the First Amendment
  1101. Feminists Sue University for Failing to Protect Them from Mean Internet Comments
  1102. Dutch Court Convicts 20 For Being Racist Online
  1103. Student Journalist Fired for Tweeting Video of Muslim Panelist’s Comments on Non-Believers Under Koranic Law
  1104. VIDEO: ABC, CBS, NBC join CNN in censoring Trump ad
  1105. VIDEO: Foul Mouthed Homosexual School Principle Attacks Freespeech of Christians on Camera
  1106. White House: What Is Happening with Free Speech on Campus Is ‘Appalling’
  1107. VIDEO: Krauthammer on Coulter at Berkeley: ‘Reaching a Situation Where’ ‘Fascist Gangs Can Shut Down Free Speech’
  1108. FCC Chairman Pai: ‘We Need an Open and Free Internet for the 21st Century’
  1109. VIDEO: Allen West: Student mobs killing speech acting like 'terrorists'
  1110. VIDEO: Judge Jeanine: Shutting Down Free Speech on College Campuses Pushing U.S. Toward Fascism
  1111. Willie Brown: Free Speech Is ‘Being Buried in Berkeley’
  1112. Berkeley reschedules Coulter Speech when no Students are Present
  1113. Calls Grow to Use National Guard to Protect Coulter, Free Speech at Berkeley
  1114. VIDEO: Former FEC Chairwoman Suggests Regulating Political Speech on Social Media
  1115. Facebook to Stop ‘Fake News’ Same Way as ‘Click-Bait’ via Algorithm
  1116. Australia: Muslim M.P. wants to make offending Muslims a criminal offense
  1117. 4 unconstitutional safe spaces for campus 'snowflakes'
  1118. Journalists being murdered in Mexico for exposing corruption
  1119. California charges 15 journalists with FELONIES for sharing TRUTH (in video) about Planned Parenthood!
  1120. California Just Criminalized Undercover Reporting — if Recorded by Conservative Media
  1121. Twitter Temporarily Censored Drudge Report Tweets Behind ‘Sensitive Content’ Filter
  1122. German Media Watchdog Instructs Press to Censor Ethnicity and Religion in Reports
  1123. Google adds tool to flag 'offensive' search results
  1124. Now a judge gets gagged from speaking on everything
  1125. VIDEO:  Cops are called when woman challenges ACLU at event
  1126. Hundreds of Universities Encourage Students to Report Peers for Offensive Speech
  1127. Google launches AI tool to flag online 'hate' speech
  1128. VIDEO: Trump now has access to his very own ministry of truth
  1129. Again? Students arrested for handing out Constitution
  1130. University crackdowns on speech will get worse in response to Trump, new litigation chief says
  1131. YouTube Removes Popular Conservative ‘Legal Insurrection’ Channel (UPDATE - Restored)
  1132. College calls Christian speech 'disorderly conduct,' gets sued
  1133. Austrian Press Council: Don’t Report Anything that Could ‘Stir Up Prejudices
  1134. VIDEO: Geert Wilders convicted of "hate speech" for saying Islam is evil
  1135. Bolton: Geert Wilders Conviction About People ‘Trying to Suppress Speech’
  1136. YouTube Censors Video Of Pro-Israel Muslim As ‘Hate Speech’
  1137. Teacher fired for saying "abortion is wrong."
  1138. New French Abortion Protection Law Blasted as ‘Total Censorship’
  1139. VIDEO: When Twitter trolling lands you in jail: Dallas case tests limits of free speech
  1140. 7th lawsuit filed against university over same faith fight
  1141. ‘Hate Spaces’ Gives a Horrifying Glimpse Into Anti-Israel, Antisemitic Activity on US Campuses
  1142. Feds seek help spying on 'news articles, blog posts'
  1143. Twitter's 'alt-right' ban may backfire
  1144. Communist China's Xi urges cooperation among nations in governance of global internet
  1145. Robo-Censors about to be unleashed online?
  1146. ACLU goes ballistic over free speech for cops
  1147. Facebook Employees Try to Censor Trump
  1148. VIDEO: Hillary 2016 Comes With Sharia Law
  1149. Another state tells churches to shut up about transgenders
  1150. Now RICO turned against climate-change activists
  1151. Twitter shuts down Hillary critic James O'Keefe
  1152. Censorship: Facebook Deleted 100,000 ‘Hate Posts, Insults’ in Just One Month
  1153. Obama-appointed judge lets Internet giveaway proceed
  1154. Meet the New Authoritarian Masters of the Internet
  1155. Hours left before Obama's Internet giveaway 'irreversible'
  1156. Mike Lee: Obama about to become Big Brother Monster
  1157. Dems 'laying groundwork' to torpedo conservative media
  1158. Google and YouTube now engaging in wholesale censorship of content they don't want the public to see
  1159. The real Islamophobia? Free speech dying in West
  1160. DOJ lawyers argue feds can limit religious speech
  1161. Facebook automates Trending Topics after political bias brouhaha
  1162. Obama Administration to Privatize Internet Governance on Oct. 1
  1163. Governments to Christians: Don't You Dare Speak Out Against the Sexual Sin in Society
  1164. University: Speeches can be too 'risky' to allow
  1165. There's no free speech on Twitter
  1166. Criticizing homosexuality now 'crime against humanity'?
  1167. Idaho 'rape': Obama prosecutor 'silencing Americans with threats of arrest'
  1168. VIDEO: Dem Congressmen: First Amendment Doesn’t Protect Global Warming Skeptics
  1169. Sweden passes law to criminalize any criticism of Muslim immigration
  1170. Supremes exempt selves from 1st Amendment
  1171. Rule of law takes hit in court's order to commit perjury
  1172. Feds: Schools must violate 1st Amendment
  1173. Free speech fight gets personal for Supremes
  1174. Media now openly Admitting the Government controls the News!
  1175. DOJ explores 'action' against climate-change deniers
  1176. Supremes: Government in Seattle can censor bus ads
  1177. State Dept. Warns Employees: ‘Microaggressions’ May Count As Harassment
  1178. The Glaring Evidence That Free Speech Is Threatened on Campus
  1179. Woman jailed for refusing federal order to commit perjury
  1180. San Diego now banishes 'Founding Fathers
  1181. Pope Francis: ‘Whoever Gossips Is a Terrorist
  1182. Free Speech and Murder Not All That Different
  1183. Quoting Bible illegal in Cincinnati starting this Wednesday
  1184. Activists demand UN ‘revoke’ credentials of ‘climate deniers’ in Paris
  1185. Pew Research Poll: 40% of Millenials Want To Restrict Free Speech
  1186. Supremes to judgie if they can restrict speech
  1187. College students: Yes, you can limit our speech 
  1188. Stunner! This court doesn't allow 1st Amendment
  1189. New Zealand makes internet 'trolling' illegal
  1190. Blame Supremes' for clash with 1st Amendment
  1191. Democrat Fox talker: Left killing free speech
  1192. VIDEO: FCC watchdog investigating Internet rules
  1193. The White House Doesn't Want You to Know the TPP's Looming Effects on U.S. Copyright Laws
  1194. Swedish university refuses Vilks lecture after attack on similar event in Copenhagen
  1195. Obama power grab triggers 1st Amendment nightmare
  1196. Can states 'nullify' First Amendment
  1197. We must all be Charlie Hebdo Today
  1198. VIDEO: Full Sky Debate: Freedom Of Speech Vs Freedom Of Religion
  1199. VIDEO: Pope on Charlie Hebdo: There are limits to freedom of expression when religion is insulted
  1200. VIDEO: Pope demands limits on free speech!

  1201. White House plan puts bull's-eye on talk shows
  1202. Free Speech removed from Schools

  1203. Truth Provided Newsletter "Speaking Against Vatican is Terrorism?
  1204. Truth Provided Newsletter "Rome, Vatican, Hitler, USA"

  1205. US Churches become Government Agencies

  1206. Truth Provided Newsletter "USA & Rome target FREE SPEECH!

  1207. Removing Free Speech in US Churches
    WorldWide Truth Provided Radio Broadcasts

  1208. "Bible as hate speech' BILL passes
  1209. Truth Provided Newsletter "Bible = HATE CRIME in Canada
  1210. BILL PASSES!
  1211. Many articles archived on free speech


    Truth Provided Newsletter "Is Preaching Gospel now a Hate Crime?

  1212. Vatican declares power over all Governments

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