Global Statistics |
Visits from all 211 countries have been registered on this website for many years now! If you live in any of the
that visit us on a
regular basis, why not join us in the work? |
There are now 6 cities
with bus benches posting this website. Indiana (2 cities) * Michigan (2 cities) * Arizona (1 city) * Tennessee (1 city) |
As far back as November of 1998 prayer was offered up to the Lord asking Him to send faithful people to help spread the Present Truth message of this ministry on the street. Without asking a single soul to help us, the Lord sent literally hundreds in answer to this prayer. The following is a list of remnant Christians that have emailed me to tell me they are doing their part in spreading the Loud Cry. (No names or cities are given purposely. I do not log them, nor know their names so as to protect theit identity as well as the work they do.) Some are printing the poGm tracts to hand out and some are printing pages or Newsletters from this site to hand out. Some are making CD's of the radio broadcasts and sermons to hand out, and some are making copies of the videos on DVD to pass out. Some hand out a few a day, other pass out hundreds a week, and some actually have tens of thousands duplicated to distribute to others that will hand them out.
This is direct answer to another prayer wherein I know this website will eventually be pulled offline sometime soon as this message we preach will become illegal as prophesied. Thanks to the Lord answering prayer, the Truth presented here will go forward all around the world thanks to the faithfulness of Gods people who have a zeal to do that which makes our Father smile.
Below is a list of God's remnant people that are actively handing out tracts, printed webpages, Newsletters, CD's, DVD's, booklets, quoting in books, mirrored radio broadcasts of WTPR on micro-broadcasters, AM and FM as well as public television, and finally, some radio stations just read the Truth Provided Newsletters on the air. What can YOU do to help us proclaim the LOUD cry? Contact us if you can help in any way shape or form!. God's remnant people will proclaim this Loud Cry!
Many ways to help in the Loud Cry |