The Queen of this Holy Land...
With the Holy Father, we entrust the Jubilee
and the children of the Holy Land to Mary, the Daughter of this land, the Holy
Mother of Christ and Mother of the Church, the Queen of this Holy Land, and
"the Star which safely guides their steps to the Lord. May the
unassuming Young Woman of Nazareth who two thousand years ago offered to the
world the Incarnate Word, lead the men and women of the new millennium towards
the One who is "the true light that enlightens every man" (Jn
1, 9) (TMA 59). - Kamal-Hanna Bathish President of the Jerusalem Committee and
of the General Secretariat for the Great Jubilee Robert J. Fortin, A.A.
Secretary General of the Jerusalem Committee and of the General Secretariat
for the Great Jubilee Jerusalem, 25 October 1998, Feast of Our Lady of
Palestine, principal patroness of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land
Church's Official Calendar of Celebrations in Holy Land